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Chapter 11

She'd seen him off at the door a few hours later after talking up a storm on the couch, broken up by soppy looks and sweet kisses, sometimes steamier than sweet but always still a little shy as it was all so new.

"I'll message you," he said as he leaned in one more time before she closed the door.

"I'll wait for it," Grace answered, knowing she sounded cringe but feeling it in that moment. She couldn't get the sappy look off her face and she didn't want to. This felt new and amazing and just what she'd been wanting now that it was out in the open.

"I won't keep you waiting too long," Joon replied, lightly stroking her arm before he finally walked away, looking back twice as she shut the door.

"Oh. My. Gosh," she said, putting her hand to her lips, slightly tender from all their kisses. He was a gentleman still, that part of him hadn't changed tonight but he could push the boundaries when he wanted and some of his kisses were more fierce in their intensity. Holding her stomach to press the butterflies inside, she shook her head to try and clear it, feeling like a high schooler having her first crush. And Namjoon was definitely a crush worthy guy. Why had it taken her this long to realise that's how she felt about him?

Oh my gosh," she said again, as she walked into the bathroom and looked at her face. She was smiling, properly smiling that actually reached her eyes for the first time in months and her eyes were lit up. Taking her phone out of her pocket she sent a text to Sara.


It rang within seconds, a grin appearing on her face as she answered it, walking from the bathroom to her bedroom as she did. Jumping onto her bed she fell back against the headboard. "Hello?"

"What does OMG mean? Did something happen with Joon? Don't keep me hanging!" Sara's voice spilled down the line, quick and insistent and Grace laughed.

"What do you think happened," Grace asked, biting her lip a little as she teased her friend.

"In an ideal world, you both declared undying love for each other and rode off into the sunset together, or something like that."

"Yeah something like that," Grace repeated and pulled the phone away from her ear as she heard the shriek that erupted from the device in her hand.

"Oh my gosh, you love each other?"

"OK, slow down just a little. We did not say we love each other but we did say that we both felt more than friendship and there was kissing."

"Kissing, like briefly touching lips or proper kissing, tongues, saliva, lips sliding," Sara said, analysing.

"Sara! I think I know what a kiss is. They were definitely not pecks." She blushed a little at the memory, reliving what it felt like to have him invading her space. That was something she wanted more.

"Giirrrrrrlllll! I''m so happy for you!" She could practically hear Sara beaming through the phone.

"Thanks, it's all a bit surreal so we're not telling anyone although he knows you had worked it out already."

"Duh, you were both so obvious."

"If you say so," Grace said because to her it hadn't been that obvious at all.

"I've been trying to throw you together for months so you'd finally realise," Sara said, sounding a little huffy. "But I'll take credit for leaving you alone tonight so you could finally talk."

"Yes, we talked a lot," Grace said, knowing her voice sounded a little bit dreamy and ridiculous, Sara laughing at her.

"Talking, kissing, we know what comes next," she hinted and Grace blushed. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about that the last week or so, only briefly allowing herself to contemplate falling into bed, into his arms which she knew would hold her just the right kind of tightly close to himself.

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