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Chapter 10

"What are you doing this weekend Grace," Jungkook said, appearing at her side, leaning back on both arms as they flexed inside his shirt. Saving her document, she spun in her chair to face him. Chemo had been a few days ago so she was in the better part of the weekly cycle, feeling free of nausea and enjoying the fact she had a better nights sleep. So she was actually feeling OK as Jungkook looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

"Depends Kook, what did you have in mind?"

"I don't know exactly. Dinner? A movie? What would you like to do?"

"Are you asking me out on a date Jungkook," Grace asked, mouth dropping open at the thought. This was something she had honestly thought about lots since they started working together, he was very good looking but it caught her by surprise now because it hadn't been on her mind for the last few weeks at least.

"What? No! Well, yes but not for me. You're gorgeous and sexy and anyone would be lucky to be with you but I was sure you knew I had a boyfriend? Sorry, if I gave you the wrong idea. I get bored and turn into a terrible flirt sometimes with people I'm comfortable with. Actually I was meaning I have this friend who I think you'd be perfect for."

He was looking at her expectantly and Grace had a moment of clarity as her emotions sailed through them one after another. Surprise that he wasn't single as she had no idea, disbelief that he was trying to set her up with someone else, embarrassment that she'd thought he had been flirting with her all this time but honestly, she realised with a shock she was actually fine that he wasn't asking her out. After thinking about maybe dating him, enjoying the flirting which clearly she'd misread, when it came down to this moment, it didn't bother her at all that he wasn't interested. And of course, it made sense. He was way too good looking to be straight.

"No thanks," she said, turning back to her desk.

"What do you mean? You'd said depends. Are you not wanting to date at the moment? He's really great. For you not me of course," he laughed, trying to read the situation.

"No, it's not that at all Kook, I'm perfectly capable of finding my own date. I thought you were wanting to hang out though but thank you for trying to play cupid for me."

"Of course I want to hang out. Do you want to come have drinks with us this weekend? He'd love to meet you. I talk about you all the time, he knows chatting with you is one of the ways I get through my work days and that you help to keep me sane here." Jungkook was leaning forward, almost pleading with her a little now, feeling a bit awkward that there may have been a miscommunication between them.

"That's very sweet of you Kook but I have plans most of the weekend." She didn't but figured she could make some, counting on Namjoon at least to be free.

"OK, well, OK," he said, floundering for a moment. "We're good though?"

"Yes Jungkook, we're good. But I do want to meet your boyfriend at some stage, rain-check?"

"Oh you'll love him," he gushed, face lighting up as he spoke. "His voice does things to me."

"Well, ah, good then," she said, feeling a little weirded out by how soft Kook was being in that moment when he was often different, more intense when they talked.

"TMI," he asked with a laugh and she smiled back.

"Not at all, you're allowed to be in love."

"It feels amazing, I hope you find it too Grace."

"I plan on it," she said as he pushed away from the desk, squeezing her shoulders a little as he walked past.

Staring at her screen for a few moments, the words hung in the air. Love. Would she ever really find it? And it didn't surprise her at all when one face appeared in her mind, struggling more and more each day to tell herself that their friendship was enough.

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