Nadia begins to pour out two cups of tea. She hands one to me. I take a good quiff at it and smell that it is a herbal tea, one that I have never tasted before. I notice how she has her eyes on the cup, but choose to think nothing of it. Nadia sits back in the seat across from me, the one that was previously occupied by Dimitri.

''I am sure by now we can push aside the formalities, seeing as you will be my son in-law soon.'' she says.

''Is there a reason you are here,'' I ask coldly, ''Nadia.'' Nadia smiles wickedly.

''Actually there is.'' she says as she takes a quick glance at the steaming cup of tea sitting in front of me, ''I haven't heard from my daughter, is every thing alright with her?''

''Marisela is fine. She is just a bit under the weather.'' I lie. Nadia quirks a perfectly shaped eyebrow in my direction.

''Marisela is sick?'' She asks and I nod my head. ''My daughter never falls ill.''

''It must be something in the air.'' I tell her.

''Right, something in the air.'' she smirks. ''Well then, its a good thing I made tea, it helps in boosting your immune system. Drink up son we wouldn't want to catch whatever my daughter may have caught.'' she says looking at the tea. I watch as she takes a sip of her own. When she places her cup down, she tilts her head at me in question, as if challenging me.

Goddess knows how much I hate to be challenged.

''Is there something wrong with the tea?'' she asks.

Deciding to just risk it, Nadia is evil but I wouldn't put it pass her to do something as stupid as killing me in my own castle, knowing that my Beta was a witness. I pick up the cup and take a sip of the warm liquid. It had a foreign taste to it. Different. When I place the cup back down on the table, Nadia is looking at me with a huge grin on her face.

''You know, the last time Marisela and I spoke, we spoke about your upcoming wedding?'' She smiles.

''Really?'' I say surprised, knowing fully well that she is lying. The princess and I have never discussed the wedding.

''Yes, she wanted a summer wedding.'' she tells me getting excited.

''Funny because I-'' I shake my head feeling a little dizzy, ''I- we - we never spoke..'' my words sounding foreign to me. I have this feeling of sleep slowly starting to consume me. I lift my head in Nadia's direction.

''What- what did you- do to me.'' I pant out. Nadia gets up off her chair and walks over to me, removing the cup from my hand.

I try to link Dimitri or anyone, but it felt as though my mind was blocked.

''Nothing that will harm you.'' she tells me walking towards the door, ''besides, you won't remember any of this by the time you wake up.'' She opens the door and in enters, Nikolai, her husband.

''Nadia, what did you do?'' Nikolai asks his wife when he sees the state I am in.

''Oh hush, he will be fine.'' she tells him walking over to my desk. I could feel my eyelids begin to get heavy.

''He knows something, and I want to know what.'' Nadia says angrily. "I've raised Marisela my whole life, I am no full, I know she knows something as well." Nikolai sighs heavily and I could hear his footsteps walk towards my desk. I hear them shuffling about the papers scattered on my desk. By now, my eyes are completely shut, but I fight to listen in on their conversation.

''I think I found something.'' Nikolai speaks.

''What is it?'' Nadia asks sounding distracted.

''A letter.'' He replies. I hear feet moving about, judging by the sound of heels, Its Nadia.

''Would you look at that, its in Aquan.'' she says sounding surprised.

''What language is that?'' Nikolai asks.

''Its an old language spoken by Sirens.'' she says. ''If they have this letter, then Syris must be close.''

''Who is Syris?''

''That does not matter, but if what I think is true, then we are running out of time.'' Nadia says sounding worried.

''What does this mean?"

''We need to leave this kingdom.'' she says, ''they know something.''

Slowly, I start to zone out of their conversation. Whatever Nadia put in the tea, was starting to work, and I was beginning to lose conscience.

''Hurry up, try and gather up as much information as you can.'' Nadia instructs. "Order your men to get ready, we must leave soon."

"What did you give him?" Nikolai asks.

"Something that will help us."

And slowly I start to drift off.

Beneath the surface: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now