ch 1 Adrift?

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Whispers echos thats all you can hear, all you can pay attention to.It felt like you were drifting in a voidless place. You don't know how long you've been here and try as you like you can't seem to wake up.

until there was a light, you opened your eyes and all you see is a white void not darkness that you know

Aiden: Hello ''echo'' Hellooo. It was silent just you alone, the anxiety getting to you .That is until you see something, a split in the white void and theres was someone sitting there alone.

They were just sitting there alone and theres like this aura around them making it easier for you to spot them, yet just by looking they were powerful you dont know how but you just sense it.

???: Hello ive been waiting for you. the figure said, there voice sounding like many people all at once.

Aiden: You have ..really he asked cautiously not knowing if its friend or foe.

???: Yes i did ive been waiting for you for awhile now,honestly i didn't think you wake up. Notices you are almost scared and cautious *genuine smile* Im not going to hurt i promise *pats the front of the floor* come sit with me all i want to do is talk i swear.

Aiden stares at them before he walks to them and sit right in front of them( obviously like 4 feet away) before asking . Who are you obviously wanting who they are or what.

???: I have many names to many to list to be honest with you but ive been around before mankind went out to the stars.Ill tell you who i am but first i need to know how your here.

Aiden was confused not knowing what it was asking.

Aiden: Im not sure i follow what you mean by that? still confused

???: well how do i put this......... Aiden you are technically dead.


How can i... be dead it dosent make any sense?!

Aiden: What do you mean im dead i- im alive i have to be thats impossible

???: You being is impossible.

Aiden: What how.. what do you mean by that!

???: Well let me explain better. You are dead But at the same time your not thats why its confusing in the first place, this everything you see here is where you go when you die and pass on but you are the first person to ever be here physically and alive which means that your body your real body is alive thats why im here.

Aiden was shocked this being whoever they are said to him that hes dead but not he is in between, he has heard stuff like this happen but nothing like this

???: I want you to think real hard for me. Do you remember how you got here or any indication to what happend.

Aiden remembers flashes, fire, screaming and running basically almost like the end of the world. then he remembers.... his family specifically his mom and dad they put him in cryo sleep making sure that he survived and promised to wake him up. Tears start going down as he remembers everything.

Aiden: I was running from something with my mom and dad, we had to go to the cosmodrome in Germany hoping we would be safe. there was a broadcast all across the globe saying we were under attack.... it was Armageddon *tears up* whatever attacked us was winning whole country's lost, the whole world went up in arms but nothing could stop it and the sky ive never seen so much darkness in one place , in a last ditch effort to protect me my  mom put me in a tube saying this will keep me alive until everythings settled. That was the last thing i saw of my parents *crying*

Aiden couldn't  hold the emotions any longer the pain not knowing of what happen to his family, to everybody, Right now he felt alone and helpless, until someone pressed against them there arms embracing the crying man .He stopped to know who it was and it was the stranger hugging them.

???: Im sorry for everything you've been through no one should have gone through that least of all you. They let go of you and you could've sworn they were a woman but you don't know why. They stopped hugging and looked at you and you can feel them getting angry.

???: I know of the thing that attacked you and your home a thing of so much pain and loss that it can never be redeemed.

Aiden: Who?

???:You can practically call it the darkness.

Aiden hairs were standing on two ends. The way they called to the way it said it was nothing but unrelenting hatred.

???: The darkness is a force of nature unlike your kind has ever seen. It has destroyed worlds, civilizations, galaxies, it does not care where it goes or what gets in its way all it cares about is itself the embodiment of pure chaos and despair.

Then all of a sudden the whole place shifts then there was two colors on one white side light on the other total complete darkness.

??? It seems we are out of time Aiden. they look at me as i stand up.

Aiden: What do you mean out of time what's going on.

???: Whats going on is that someones waking you up which is a good thing they smile.

Aiden: Does that mean this is the last time i see you i dont even know your name 

??? just laughs but proceeds to answer Aidens question.

???:You can practically say im an ally to you meeting you proves to me that your something special, someone who will change the course of history for your world or others, and no this wont be the last time we see each other  cause to be honest you intrigue me and i want to see how far you'll go knowing that ill always be there and as for who i am your species call me

























The Traveler                                                                                           

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