Freya's p.o.v

17 1 0

I want to hate him, but I can't.

I should though. 

Especially since he just beat the shit out of Kase.

Now, I'm helping Kase out to Mason's car, because of Alessandro.

Why is it all he does is cause problems? That's all he freaking does.

I help him to the backseat. 

Mason is standing by the car waiting for us.

"Come on" He pats Kase's back.

"I fucking hate him." Kase says.

"I know, I know." Mason says shutting the door. 

He heads over to the drivers seat.  I walk over to the passenger seat. 

He slams his door shut. I slowly shut my door.

He pulls out of the parking lot and starts on the main road.

"You know," He takes a breath "He's hurt because of you." He looks over towards me with anger in his eyes. 

Honestly I don't blame him, I hurt his brother. Without intending to, but I did.

"I didn't mean for him to get hurt." I say so he can somewhat hear me. 

"Yeah well guess what," He is really mad now. "All you have fucking done since you have got here is cause problems." He is glaring at me "All you have fucking done."

I look out the window. 

Yes, that is all I do, I have always been the problem child I guess.

Always making Dad mad. Making him hurt Fab, Finn, and Me. 

I never intend to, but I do. 

I cause trouble everywhere I go.




I continue to stare out the window.

"It's not her fault" Kase says, from the backseat.

I look back towards him.

"I was the one who chose to get in a fight," He pauses "Not her." 

"Yeah but you did it because of her." Mason snaps back.

"Mason, calm down." Kase says, sitting up.

"It's fine." I mutter.

"Shut up." Mason says to me.

I do as told. I'm silent for the rest of the ride home, and once we get to the house, I go in silently and go to 'my room' silently. I am still silent when I am in my room, and when I shower and put on some comfy clothes. 

I do the work from yesterday that I didn't do. Then read a book on my phone.

Then I hear the door open downstairs. 

I look away from my phone and towards the door.

I hear voices downstairs, I'm not quite sure who's they are, but I know there are 3.

I look back over towards my phone and start to read again.

I look at the time real quick. 


It's probably , Christian and Chris and someone else.

When my door opens.

I look up but not fast enough.

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