Fab's p.o.v

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I watch as they drag Frey away. I yell out her name, these assholes taking her away. I look to find Finn, he has disappeared.

Damn it!

They are my duty, I should have protected them. FUCK!

Another mad man grabs me and I kick him hard. There are three others all over me. I scream and threaten them.

Then someone sticks something in my neck and everything goes black.

I open my eyes, I'm in a room with white walls.

It has one integration window. I get up. My jaw hurts.

"Hey!" I yelled out seeing if someone would come in.

After about twenty minutes of me yelling. I try to calm this anger in me. But have you ever tried to cool off a fire while someone is adding gasoline to it?

Well, it's horrible.

I sit in the corner of the room. I run my fingers through my hair. Dear god what about Frey, or Finn.

I stand up and start pacing around. I need to punch something. And just like that I punch the wall. The pain instantly kicks in.

I like it. I punch the wall again and again.

Blood is pouring out my knuckles. I hear a door open and an officer comes in.

He grabs me. I yell a few profanities. A lady comes in. I glare at her. I know she took Freya away from me.

"Where are my siblings?" I scream at her.

She doesn't even flinch. "Please Fabalan, calm yourself."

"Tell me where my Brother and my sister are!" I try to pull away again. The officer tightens his grip. I grunt.

"Fabalan Bruce. You need to calm down and let me talk to you." She sits down by the table. She points to another chair. I shove the officer off. He looks at the woman to see if it's okay.

I guess she's okay because he lets me go.

I watch her closely. "You see. I have had you and your siblings evaluated. I know that you have a deep cut on your back that is seriously infected and you have a broken jaw. Not to mention the Concussion." She looks at me with empathy in her eyes.

I don't want her empathy.

"And? I'm alive aren't I?" I glare at her.

"Yes. But, a serious infection can kill you. And a concussion can if not treated after a while." She says with her hands laying on top of each other.

She stares at me. I don't answer because I don't wanna do something I am gonna really regret.

"We have a group home that will treat you well and hopefully you will fit in." Oh hell no.

I shake my head no. No, no, no, no.

I need my siblings.

I need them.

And like that I break 

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