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DARKNESS MEETS MY EYES when i open them. my head hurts, and my arms and legs do too.

for a moment, i don't do anything. my mind is blank. there's a silence, and i don't even know if this moment right now is real. it all feels surreal. there's just blackness.

but after some amount of time, i can't really sense how long, i get back to my senses. my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. they make out a big stone wall in front of me.

i sit down on my knees, and i feel the pain in them. im kneeling on a stone floor. the air is really cold and my hands are slightly shaking from the temperature.

my eyes scan my area. suddenly, i see something. or someone.

"zoro", i whisper in shock and crawl over to the green-haired man. my shivering hands are touching his upper arm and go over to his chest to feel his heartbeat.

i let out a sigh of relief when i hear his heart beating slowly. "zoro, wake up", i whisper softly. my hand glides over to his face and i touch his cheek. it's ice cold.

when he doesn't move, i softly shake his shoulders. and i almost give up when he doesn't wake up.

"come on, please", i plead and continue to shake his body. but im careful not to be too harsh with my movements.

"zoro, come on. wake up!", i whisper a bit louder and look up. by now i have realised that we are in a well, probably the one in front of the house kaya lives in. i don't remember much, just how that butler klahadore turned out to be the captain of a dangerous pirate crew and how his crew attacked us.

suddenly i feel something moving. zoro. his arm is slightly moving.

"zoro", i say, now a lot louder. he slowly opens his brown eyes and they meet mine, "you're awake!".

"of course i am. did you think that i would leave you alone?", he asks with a weak smile and without thinking much more, my arms go around his shoulders.

his body is cold, i suppose mine is too, but his touch feels nice. when the hug ends, i put my hands to his face.

"don't ever do that again, okay?", i say to him.

he chuckles, "i will try". then zoros eyes look around the well we are standing in.

"they threw us in here. they probably thought we're dead. wait - ", he says and grabs to his side and has a relieved expression on his face when he feels his three swords, "thank god, they didn't take my swords".

my hand goes over to the right pocket of my night gown and i can still feel my knife. good.

"they really thought we're dead, huh?", i ask with a smile. but it drops immediately when i realise that we are stuck in here right now. the well is really deep and we have to climb at least 10 meters to reach the top again.

"do you have any plan how to get out of here?", i ask the green-haired man.

he looks over to me and smiles lowly, "i'd say climb. there's no other option".

"wait, but maybe, there is something ... ", i start and look around. there must be something down here. i mean, there has to be a reason why this well is so deep and big.

i slowly stand up and look around. i can see merry's dead body, and i feel bad for the old man because he seemed to be quite nice. but then my eyes catch on something else. a robe. yes!

with quick steps, i walk towards the small object.

"perfect", zoro whispers, and i give him the robe since he has longer and stronger arms than me.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 | zoroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora