seventeen 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄

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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚✧

COCO VILLAGE was finally shining again. arlong and his fish crew are gone, which means that the people of this village don't have to live in fear any longer. you could see how much happier they all were, especially nami.

"how are you?", i ask the red-haired girl next to me, who wears a pretty yellow dress. i myself am wearing a light blue dress that goes a little over my knees.

nami looks over to the other people, who are dancing, laughing and speaking loudly. she let's out a sigh and has a satisfied smile on her lips.

"good. im good. life feels so much easier now", she answers.

i smile too. im happy that she's happy. i love to see my friends happy. "you're right. it takes a huge burden off your heart to know that you are now safe", i reply.

"im gonna get something to eat", i say to nami. she gives me a nod, so i stand up and walk over to sanji, who cooked for the whole village and is now giving the food to everyone who wants it.

as i go over to him, i can see that he's flirting with almost every young woman. i roll my eyes. he's such a womanizer. i go stand behind my favorite green-haired man, who gives me a small smile when he sees that im the one standing behind him.

"ooh! back for seconds. must have liked it", sanji teases zoro.

"yeah, it was okay", zoro replies with an annoyed tone.

"that plate says different", sanji grins. don't tell me their fighting starts again. i swear, they're like an old married couple.

"gotta keep my strength up, even with your cooking. it's the least you can do, considering i saved your ass from those fishmen", zoro says to him and hands him his plate.

"what? i saved your arse", sanji fights back. oh. my. god.

"please, you didn't even get your hands dirty"

"at least i don't need three swords to prove im a man", sanji replies and i almost start laughing.

"i think it's very clear who saved us from those fishmen. if i remember correctly, i was the one who killed that karate-fish while you guys were laying in some corner", i say to them with raised brows. now they're quiet.

"hm, that's what i thought", i say satisfied and hand my empty plate over to sanji.

then i left the two of them alone, but i could already feel zoro following me. i walked over to the big crowd of people, surrounding a big fire. usopp was sitting on a chair and told a story. i stood with luffy, who seemed to listen to the story with a grin on his lips.

"there i was, completely alone, surrounded by fishmen, the great captain usopp staring death in the face", usopp starts his story. i scrunch up my face. i don't exactly remember that happening yesterday. zoro now stood near next to me and ate his food quietly.

"but i knew i couldn't give up the fight, not with the fate of coco village at stake! so i pulled my trusty slingshot!", usopp continues enthusiastically and pulls out his slingshot. with wide eyes i watch him and i can see that zoro's mouth is a bit opened too while he looks at our friend.

"and i fired on 'em till my fingers bled. and i didn't stop until i single-handedly defeated arlong and his deadly crew", usopp says. nami and sanji now joined us too. usopp looks over to us, probably realizing that we were there yesterday too.

"with a little help, of course. i mean, i guess i wasn't completely alone", he says with a small smile. and even if the four of us knew that he was clearly lying, none of us chose to comment on that.

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