Chapter 3-Band Practice

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"Ok girls!!! We start tomorrow at the dig site!" Emily exclaimed excitedly. "So, in celebration of us actually getting a reason to do something in our field, (we all worked as waitresses to maintain income) we should order food, get drunk on complimentary minibar shots, and watch 'historical' movies that piss us off because of there inaccuracy! What do you guys say!" I said. "Sure, but keep in mind we do that whenever we all have an off night!" Mia said playfully. "Well, there must be a reason we do it so much so im down!" Emily said enthusiastically.
About halfway through a movie about Sparta called 300 (which even drunk we know is insultingly inaccurate) I got a text from Alex.

Hey you want to come to our soundcheck/rehearsal/practice for our concert after you guys do your historical stuff? Feel free to bring Emily and Mia, we're all single ;) xx - Alex

That cheeky bastard! I was surprised by the kisses at the end of his text, but I took it as a compliment and didnt think much of it in my half-drunk state.

Yeah sure! Where and what time? Xx -Annie

The Observatory at 6:30 tomorrow night xx -Alex

I was really excited for the day ahead, almost too much. After I told Mi and Em we Got really really really drunk and told each other dumb jokes. Yep, we did do this too often.
At 6:00 we were awakened by an irrtating generic ringtone and got up despite our shitty hangovers. I knew we had only slept for about two hours, but as much as we wanted to stay in bed forever, we got up and got ready. This was the start of our careers.
At 7:00, a car arrived downstairs to take us to the digsite. "Ooohhh fancy!" Mia and Emily said in almost perfect unison. i laughed and we headed off to the dig.
When we got there, our jaws dropped. Not only was it a huge site, but some of the most important people in the history community were here, along with Alex and three other guys I expected were the rest of the arctic monkeys.
"What are you doing here!? " I asked, but in a pleasantly surprised tone. "Well, we were curious just ehat you guys were going to do in a pile of dirt for 10 hours, so we came! By the way, this time I googled some of the stuff i saw in your notes on the plane when you were sleeping and found the site. So thats why I knew were to come." Alex said with an odly confident smile. "And thats supposed to be less creepy?" I said in a fake posh matter-of-fact voice. "Hey, you didnt even have them in your bag, they were on the floor! I couldnt help myself!" He said.

Band practice anyone? 😏😉

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