18 - New Collection 💍

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18 - New Collection💍

Monday met Dunni well rested. She had spent the rest of her weekend in church and with the girls, they had their regular Sunday brunch at home munching on delicious pasta while Dunni gave them the breakdown of everything that happened at the Collins Mansion.

She walked into her office with a big smile on her face, she hadn't gotten over this office yet. Knowing that Eni, Mike's best friend and almost wife, had been the one to design it made the room more special to her. The fact that Eni was also an interior designer who wanted to commission a few paintings was mind boggling.

Dunni dropped into her seat, overwhelmed by how good God is, by how quickly he answered her prayers. Just last month, she had been too broke to send her sisters pocket money, now she had two jobs. Well she will have two jobs, as soon as she and Eni reached an agreement concerning the paintings.

Dinner at the Collins had opened her eyes to some many things. Like the fact that Mike Collins still wanted her gone. Now more than ever. She couldn't explain how she knew, maybe it was the look in his his. Because he had been nice. Even kind. Smiling at her across the table, teasing her while they played Monopoly. Pouting and acting like a big baby when Lola had given her the basket.

But she had known, like she knew that her name was Adunniade, that he still wanted her gone.

She placed her bag on the table and said a quick prayer, committing the day and the rest of the week into God's hands.

As soon as she said Amen, her office phone rang. She looked at the phone, wondering who could be calling her so early on a Monday morning. She picked up the phone and lifted it to her ear.

"Miss Davies, my office. Now!" Mike growled in her ear and then he was gone.

"Rude," She said replacing the phone in its cradle and taking her sweet time. She would not rush to him with her tail between her legs, like a scared pup. Oh, she was scared but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

She looked around her office one more time, saying a silent godbye. In case he actually has grounds to fire her. Then she slowly walked the fifteen short steps, that seperated her office from his. Just fifteen steps stood between her and her job, less if she moved faster instead of measuring the distance with her feet.

She stopped in front his office, took a deep breath and said a short prayer before she knocked on his door.

"Come in," he called out.

She pushed his door open and walked into the lion's den praying God would shut its mouth.

"Sit down,"

"I would rather stand,"

"Then you might as well send in your resignation," he smirked.

She just looked at him speechless. Because she refused to sit? She sat down quickly. And relaxed in the comfortable chair, wondering why she had not just sat down when he told her to.

"You need to remember that you are under probation, Miss Davies." His smirk was plastered on his face. "A lot of things can be grounds for termination."

"Yes sir," she mumbled humbly.

"I'm glad we are on the same page," he have her a-glad-I-got-my-way smile.

She just nodded, she knew he couldn't just fire her for refusing to sit when asked. But he could spin it into something more sinister if he wanted. He knew, she knew. So shewas under his beck and call and she couldn't get mouthy.

"I want you to create a new collection by the end of this week," he said tossing some files in her direction.

Dunni nodded again, before his words registered. Then she just stared at him like he had grown two extra heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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