| Abuse |

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"It hurts..."

The room was silent, only the sound was her muffled whine and the heavy breathing of the man above her..

"It hurts..."

His big hands clasped around her fragile wrists, immobilizing her on the floor.

The weight of his body on hers, as she tried to free herself in every way.

"It hurts..."

Miyeon was on the office floor, her body heavy and sore. The girl felt like she was dying and maybe the pain in her bones was so strong that maybe it could really put an end to all of it.

"Stop..." Miyeon said, her voice shaking and tears streaming down her face. "L-Leave me, it's hurting me."

The man didn't stop, he captured her lips between his, trying to silence her, while his filthy hands traced her body, until they entered Miyeon's shirt.

Miyeon felt like she was dying, a stranger was touching her, invading her body. She wanted to scream, but her voice wasn't loud enough and there was no one left in the office.

The man's hand reached her breast, squeezing a tit in his hands.

Miyeon cried in pain, the tears did nothing but fall profusely from her eyes, as she tried in every way to free herself, but his grip was stronger, pressing it to the cold floor like she was an animal.

"L-LEAVE ME!" Miyeon shouted, but the man smiled devilishly, bringing his lips to the poor girl's neck.

Slowly the man's hands reached the girl's skirt, pulling it off.

Miyeon screamed, terrified. Her sobs became more and more frequent as she tried to kick the man away.

Miyeon went stone when she saw the attacker undo the waistband of his pants, starting to pull down his boxers.

Nicha, Miyeon's best friend, was walking down the hall, ready to pick up Miyeon from work to go have a drink together like every Friday afternoon, when she heard sounds and sobs coming from the office she was headed to.

Once through the door, Minnie was petrified. Her best friend was on the floor, her clothes were torn, revealing her breasts and legs and a man was on top of her... raping her.

"LET HER GO!" Nicha shouted, running towards the two, kicking the man in the side, causing him to fall to the floor.

Minnie approached the attacker, starting to beat him mercilessly, she couldn't think straight, the anger she felt at that moment was indescribable.

The man was unconscious on the floor, but Minnie continued to punch him mercilessly.

"M-Min... Min please stop."

Miyeon's voice was enough to stop Nicha. The girl rushed towards her, wrapping her in her arms and covering her with her big and warm jacket.

Miyeon was a mess, she couldn't stop crying, her wrists were red and her body was so fragile.

"Shh, it's all over, Yeon." Minnie whispered, holding the girl in her arms, trying to make her feel protected.

Miyeon felt relieved by Nicha's presence, she felt protected in her arms, as if nothing could harm her, but the pain and disgust she felt in her heart were unbearable.

The brunette tightened her grip on Minnie's clothes, starting to scream and cry, while her face was buried in the girl's chest.

Minnie couldn't stand seeing Miyeon like this, her heart hurt, she felt useless.

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