Chapter 11

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Hell has been unleashed

Hell has become here

Its hell on earth

Things that break

The darkness and fear

The bad things






All things

That just aren’t fair

Chapter 11

What’s next? What am I going to do? That’s all I can think of right now. I am in an old apartment in NYC. There are still people here, innocent, lively, people. Who have dreams and hopes and goals and wishes that rest on my shoulders, for them to ever get them or not. I look out the window and see the cars and blaring noises, the tight crowd of people and loud talking.

We had left yesterday, two days before the arrival of the King of Darkness. It was scary, scarier than imaginable now especially now that I am back to the normal world. It was night fall. I was scared. I wanted to be with someone I knew again. I wanted to be with something familiar and reassuring. I wanted to feel secure again. I have always been more courageous and braver than others, but now, where is that courage and bravery?

I woke up. One more day. I look out the window. One last day. I look at all the people, and then look at the digital clock on the wooden nightstand next to my bed. We were in a hotel or motel, maybe an apartment. I wasn’t sure I was too exhausted and worried to pay attention when we went in. It was 6:30 a.m. Even this early its super busy, weird, to me at least. One last day for those people out there. In this entire world. They may come back, or may stay somewhere forever. I wonder where they might go? I should seriously talk to Toshiro about it. I got up, and put my hair into a pony tail. I had brought a small bag of clothes. Just like two or three pairs. Who knows what’ll happen next. I put on a grey t-shirt and some jean shorts, I didn’t bother to put on any shoes since I am not leaving. I walked towards the door and opened it up. In front of my was a white wall with a painting on it of a fully moon and a wolf howling, a beige colored couch, a T.V. that was on a small table, and a coffee table in the middle of the couch and T.V. There was also a small desk. Alex was sleeping on the couch, Drake was sleeping in a chair in a corner, and Aiden slept on the floor. The only person up beside me was Toshiro who was sitting in the desk reading some book. Toshiro for once wasn’t wearing a Kimono; he was actually just wearing a brown sweater and jeans. He had some glasses on, most likely reading glasses, it fit him. He seemed to notice my presence. He turned around and gave a small smile," You’re awake early." I walked over sat in the small chair on the other side of the desk. "I can say the same for you." He chuckled slightly, "I guess so yeah." He looked at me for a moment and said," Something bothering you?" He asked, looking slightly concerned. This guy is pretty good at reading people I guess. Expected of Toshiro though I guess. "You have a pretty good eye." I smiled slightly then sighed. "Yeah, this whole thing." I say, clasping my hands together. He put his book down and looked at me," That’s expected. I would’ve thought you would deal with it worse, and be more stressed out or freaked out." "I guess I am different than most girls or people then." I took a deep breath in, wondering how I should ask him. "Do you…. Know anything else about this? Like… I don’t know…where the people go? Why he’s called the King of Darkness? Has he come before? I mean, I don’t expect you to know or anything but… it would be nice if you could tell me something. Anything." He seemed to think for a moment. I was nervous, did I ask too much of him? Toshiro is very smart and all… but who says he would know everything? He is also human, err… crow/human. "Well, I can tell you some things." He told me. "That would be awesome. I mean, anything would be awesome to know." I said, meaning it. He looked like he was thinking of where to start. "Well, here’s something. I don’t know if you are Catholic or what religion you are, but Catholics have this idea, of this place between Earth, Heaven, and Hell. It’s called Purgatory. Where you aren’t in the beginning nor end in a way. You’re nowhere, and from most descriptions of what happens and all, it seems like the people don’t exactly die. You see, because this has happened once before, and that is how we know anything at all about this." He told me, he had this serious face as he spoke. "This woman, hundreds of years ago, was the last soul. The species in the mirror world were livelier, prospered, and it was very populated and natural. The Last Soul had lived in the mirror world with all the species. See the species stay alive longer when it happens because they are not just human. But we make mistakes like humans; we are only different physically really. The Last Soul back then didn’t even know she was the last soul till the time came. But she was different from all the species and kinds. She had a human form. But she wasn’t human exactly. The reason why we called her and you, the last soul if because besides the King of Darkness, you are the only other living thing besides plants. You are the only one with a soul left." Toshiro said, and took his glasses off, and looked at me in the eyes the whole time as he talked. "See the day when everything spiraled out of control, she was the only one that wasn’t slowly fading away. She, seeing everything, looking in horror, cried. And the emotions erupting in her heart and all the insanity happening, the day before her, she somehow became the soul. It isn’t written down, or anyone alive is here to say how she saved the world, and stopped the King of Darkness. That’s all I can say on that subject." Toshiro was quiet for a while after that. I realized that Toshiro seemed to not having anything else to say, I was about to thank him when he spoke up again. "He is also, the King of Darkness, is also known for many other names. The Prince from Hell, The Shadows Controller, Evil insanity, Limbo, The Soul Eater. Many things like that. But I don’t really know anything else. Do you have anything you want to do today?" He asked and said. What? Why would he ask me that? "Why? And thanks for telling me all you know. But what?" I asked him. "Well, this is the day before he arises. Is there anything you want to do? Who knows what will happen tomorrow?" I almost felt accused as he said that. He seemed too noticed and told me that he had faith in me, but he was just being honest. Who knows if the King of Darkness is stronger this time? I thought about that and shrugged. I don’t know. My parents, biological and adopted ones, are both dead. Maybe I would just sleep. But that would feel odd in a way. I would feel useless, I don’t know. Surprisingly though, I was pretty calm.

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