Chapter 3

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As the first day goes

The next day comes

Faster than light

Only a week or two has past

Yet it feels like I’ve known you my whole life

This day

The day behind

And the days beyond me

Are my history

My life yet so far

Like it’s Written down

In my book

Of my life

And I already know

Once this all ends

I will never be the


Chapter 3

I fell asleep later that night, and woke up this morning, half asleep; I thought I was camping because of the cloth/tarp over my bed. Once I shook my head and woke myself up, I remembered what had happened. "Okay, what happened?

I was trying to study in the park

Taken by a winged guy, whom name is Aiden

Met Aiden, and the three other gorgeous guys

I blacked out because of someone looking at me with odd eyes

I woke up with Aiden’s hands in my shirt

I yelled and punched him in the stomach

I somehow fell asleep on the first day, hoping it was a dream

7.And I am awake, and I have been here for about two weeks

"Productive." I thought to myself, nodding. I got up, and saw at the edge of my bed. I went into my small closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain green t-shirt. Well at least one good thing came out of that incedent. I changed into the new clothes, and put my black convers back on. I sighed, I had no idea what would happen next. I took in a deep breath, lifted my head high, and walked to the door. I was about to open the door, when it was opened by someone else. The door hitting me, I feel backwards onto the ground, and not seeing me, the boy stepped, and fell over my foot. I saw black hair and felt the blood rushing to my face. He slowly raised his face. His arms blocking me from moving by accident and his legs also beside mine, trapping me from any movement. It was Aiden. We both stayed like that for a moment, in silence. And fully understanding the situation, he jumped off me, and seemed like he almost FLEW off me, (which I think he might of a little). "U-umm..." I stuttered. He had his back to me, not letting me see his face. I wondered what was going through his mind. It felt like we have known each other longer than a week or so already though, which was the weird part of me getting here. It felt familiar, like I was here in the past before. Aiden turned around, and flew out of the room. "I wonder why he came in here in the first place." I thought, and then saw where he once was sitting, was a slip of paper. It was folded, I opened it up.

I am sorry for keeping you here, and for Aiden’s behavior, and ours. Both the shirt accident (Yes, I heard you two yell during that time) and for not telling you immediately WHY we are keeping you here. You can use the stairs, or ask one of the boys here, (Alex, Aiden, or Drake) to bring you up to the 8th floor. It will be the door is on the left wall, the 8th door, and it will be the same color as the wall. I will explain everything to you, and the other boys there. Please meet me there as soon as you get this note.



I noticed the great penmanship Toshiro had used, but I hurried outside my door, to the stair case. I knew the boys would already be there, plus even if they were there, I wouldn’t ask them.

It took forever, but eventually I got to the 8th floor. I wished they had some sort of elevator or something to make it easier, but at least I will get a good work out. I counted each door on the left, feeling the door knobs. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…8!" I thought to myself. I felt for the door knob, and eventually found it. I opened the door and there were the three guys, who I had recently met, silently were waiting for me. The room had all book shelves around the walls, nothing else except for the wall and paint color itself, and several small, white; loveseat couches in the middle making a square. There was one empty love seat, and a spot beside Toshiro. I took the empty loveseat. Toshiro examined everyone for a minute and spoke up. "Now I know I called you all here so I could explain things, but before I do so-" Aiden interrupted," Just spit it out already!" his voice sounding annoyed. He used his hand to hold his head, and his elbow on the arm of the couch. He wore skinny jeans, and a black T-shirt. Toshiro wore another Japanese Kimono that had the colors black and white on it. Drake wore baggy jeans and a red T-shirt. Toshiro gave him a," Shut up now, or I won’t even tell you." Look. He ignored it, and stayed quiet. "As I was saying, you all, and especially you," he nodded to me," are wondering why she is here. Why she is so important, and why its life or death matter." He said in a serious voice. I wondered what he meant by ‘life or death’, decision. I listened closely as he went on," I don’t know what your name is that you were born with, but your real name is Soul. The parents you grew up with aren’t your real parents, either." For a minute, I swore my heart stopped. "…What?" I asked, it couldn’t be, everyone always said I resembled them, my parents that are possibly not my real ones. Toshiro nodded," Your real parents were murdered. They were one of our kind, and there aren’t many of our kind left." I looked confused at him. Seeing my confused face he responded," We’re known as Crows. Because of our black wings. We are one of the three other towers of Crows left. But you, you aren’t one of us. Or any other kind. You have some unknown power, and we don’t know if you can even fly. But back to the point of your fake parents, they were to teach you how to live, and hide you in the human world where possibly this wouldn’t happen. Where possibly you wouldn’t have to come out, and save humanity itself." Toshiro was obviously not joking around. What was I? What was different about me? What is on my body? Do I really have powers? I definitely need to go to the library and ask Toshiro some questions. The only reason I have stayed here is because I am wondering of a way to leave. But I hardly know the area and what the hell was going on till now, so I will have to listen, and learn all of the details about myself and this ‘world’. And the powers are unknown? How is that supposed to help me figure this out? But Drake spoke up before I could think of more thoughts," What do you mean by,’ save humanity itself’?’ " I didn’t think about that until now. Toshiro, looking not completely sure, took a breath in, and begun," I mean that possibly the King of Darkness. I know it sounds fake and stupid, but it’s not. Lately, there have been odd occurrences. Some humans have been seen pulled randomly into dark alley ways, some have a sudden rage of terror or anger. These are some signs of the Kind of Darkness, possibly awakening." Drake questioned again," What is going to happen if he is awakened?" There was this look in Toshiro’s eyes that I never imagined before. They turned grey as he answered," I mean the world, the humans, and our kind, and the other kinds, will disappear. Only the objects, buildings, objects, trees, plants, furniture, etc. will stay." It was silent for a moment, Toshiro looked down, and then looked straight at me in the eyes as he said,"….Except for the King of Darkness… and the last Soul." My heart stopped, and I felt my face drain from its natural color. Staying alone with some evil mad man? What is happening?!

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