Chapter 2

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Your eyes of magic

The powers they contain

The way the colors change

What are they really?

Are they really eyes?

Makes me want to know

Makes me want to find out

Find out you

Find out who you are

Find out what you are

I do not know where it will lead to

But I want to find out

No matter what the consequences

No matter the punishment

I will endure it all

For everyone’s sake

With no


Chapter 2

I had walked down the hallway, and flown up to the 4th floor with her in my arms. Who was this girl anyways? It still frustrated me. If it was going to be some stupid reason I was going to beat the crap out of Toshiro later. The 5th floor was where all the rooms were. The first 4 rooms, (2 on each side of the wall), were Toshiro, Alex, Drake, and my bedroom. The one beside me just HAD to be the girls didn’t it? She seemed like an absolute normal human girl. She didn’t look any different from the billions I have seen before. But she did act different. She wasn’t curious, she didn’t burst into tears, she didn’t start hurting herself, telling herself that it was just a dream, nor happy because she thought we were all hot and hoped for one of us to screw her, which Drake did sometimes. But besides that, she was just…..furious. She was definitely straight forward, but didn’t seem like she would be that way normally. I suddenly remembered that I was holding her like an idiot, not even opening the door to put her on the bed. "I’m such a idiot." I muttered to myself, and opened the door. I had never really seen what any of the other rooms besides mine and the other three, so when I saw the inside of the room, I realized why this was her room, and why it was beside mine. Sometimes, Toshiro does patterns, or opposites with things, so I guess he did that with some of the rooms. Her room was almost completely white. The walls were white, the carpet white and soft (I know because I took my shoes off in the room we were in earlier.), the bed was queen sized, white, had white pillows, white blankets, and had a white almost transparent tarp over the entire bed, and went to the ground. Kind of like a tent. White door (on the inside), a window with the wood painted white, white dresser, white painted wood around the mirror, white closet, white everything. The only thing he DIDN’T have in here were other clothes, which made the closet pretty useless. I laid the girl down on the bed, which she now was going to use. I looked at her face and figure. I looked to see if she had any mark or tattoo. Something that would symbolize some power, ability, or importance. I remembered a book I read a long time ago, it said that a symbol of a very small butterfly, that wasn’t a tattoo, ether in the middle of the back, or in between the shoulder blades, meant an unknown power. I looked at her. My curiosity made me start to move my arms to her shirt, but I yanked my arms back. "What the hell am I doing?!" I thought," I am curious, but I would be taking off her shirt! What am I? A person so curious, that they would do that to someone while they were unconscious?" maybe a little I admitted to myself. I kind of argued with myself for a while inside my head, whether or not I am perverted or crazy, and whether or not to do this. It ended up I think I am a little perverted, but that wasn’t the reason why I was doing this, and I probably have some O.C.D (O.bsesive C.ompulsive D.isorter), and I was going to look. My curiosity overcame my practicality. I took a deep breath in, prayed she wouldn’t regain conciseness during this, and reached for the back of her shirt.

I was in black nothingness. I knew I had blacked out. But I wondered how long I would be stuck like this. It felt like I was sitting alone, waiting for the lights to come back on. Why do I have to black out so much today? Seriously, it’s really annoying. After a while though, things started moving, colors appearing and objects forming. Once my vision focused, I looked around real quick. I was on a soft white bed and in front of my face were pillows. Then I felt something moving on my shirt. Someone was pulling it up. "What the hell?" I thought, and looked backwards, and the person of all people behind me, was of course, the one and only, messed up Aiden. "GET YOUR HANDS THE HELL OFF OF MY SHIRT!" I screamed at him!

Meanwhile, with Alex and Toshiro,

"Got any seven’s?" Toshiro said

"Go fish." Alex said

"GET YOUR HANDS THE HELL OFF OF MY SHIRT!" a girl voice shouted, from another floor and room.

"She sure can yell." Toshiro said, still looking straight at his cards, with a poker face and calm voice.

"HOLY SHIT! WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP?!?!" Aiden’s voice, shouted.

"Worst thing to say in that situation." Toshiro said.

"Yup, and Aiden’s going to get a beating." Alex said to Toshiro, and looked up.

"Got any five’s?" Alex asked Toshiro.

"Bastard, how do you know my cards all the time?!" Toshiro asked, half-jokingly, half serious, handing over the five’s he had.

"I got the skills." Alex said, smiling devilishly.

(Back to Aiden and Joy)

"HOLY SHIT! WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP?!?!" Aiden shouted half accusingly, and half surprised.



"FOR WHAT? MY BRA STRAP SO YOU CAN UNDO IT, AND WHEN I WOKE UP, MY BRA WOULD FALL OFF, BY ‘ACCIDENT’!?!?" I screamed at him! I couldn’t believe he was doing that to me! "Hey! That’s actually a pretty good idea you got there." He said in a calm voice. Then probably noticing the fire in my eyes he answered," I wanted to see if you had any special symbol on you, that could explain why you’re here. And it is found ether in the middle of your back, or in between your shoulder blades. If you really have a special power, you have it on both your back and shoulder blades.

"Oh, so that’s why." I said calmly to him. He seemed to be relieved and nodded. I smiled at him and practically growled," You could’ve waited, and asked me. If I ever catch you doing this again I will stab you with a fork, in your face." He laughed a little, but I knew he wasn’t going to do it again anyways. After a minute of silence he spoke up again, "So… you?" I sighed, "If I knew I had one, I wouldn’t tell you as punishment, but, I have actually never seen the middle of my back, or the middle of my shoulder blades." He looked at me as if I was kidding but I shook my head," I must have SOMETHING, because my parents were perfectionists, in work and body. So I bet there was something there, and my parents didn’t want me, or the world, to see the slightest flaw. So I was homeschooled till senior year in high school and when I got into college." "That’s……weird." He said, I nodded," Yeah, sure is." We sat there on the bed for a while in silence. Then Aiden got off, and left. In some weird way, I think he may not hate me or anything anymore. But that didn’t really bother me, or make a difference anyways. He started to get up and get out of the room that I guess was mine now, but before he left, I spoke up," Aiden." I said calmly, getting up, and standing beside him. "What?" he seemed kind of confused, probably if he didn’t anything else wrong, I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could, which made him stumble back a foot or two. "Keep your hands to yourself even if you are curious about something about this supposed power of mine, which I don’t even know about.

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