My boy.

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walk down the street feeling dreary and weary,
Something was missing,
He was missing,
My love, that was once there is gone now, I miss him, I miss his kisses, I miss his hugs,
I miss the way he would hold me on rainy days,
That's all gone now because of her,
That one raven girl thal look it all from me,
She stole him,
She stole my happiness,
She stole my one and only.
So on this night, this very day.
Ill grab my blade and make her pay. I hide in her room and watch her walk in, She plays some music and I watch her spin, i jump on top of her and stab her in the heart, Then i put my hands in her wound and rip it apart,
Despite her screams I mile with glee,
Because now Gregory will love me and only me.

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