Erwin Headcannon no. 1

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My mans needs more "off duty" time.

Dude literally spends 16 hours of the day tending to his duties as Commended of the Survey Corps.

Paper work, meetings, etc.

But I'd like to imagine that sometimes, when he allows himself a break, he takes some well deserved down time.

Wether that be by sleeping in, (pls he needs it), or taking a stroll through the district of Trost.

Catching up with Pyxis, silently drinking tea with Levi, going over reports and journal entries with Hange, perhaps reading for entertainment instead of duty.

•  I personally love the (popular??) headcannon that Erwin is a legendary chess player.

Challenges his fellow veteran friends to games in which they inevitably lose.

On a more somber note, I think he would frequent his father's grave to either stand idly by and talk to himself, or sit by the headstone and ponder on what was and what could have been.

Leaves a flower or two on the patch of earth each anniversary cause the man's emotions aren't talked about or portrayed enough.

Is Erwin a drinker?

Nvm, he is for this headcannon.

Sometimes he'll have a drink with Mike and Nanaba when times get a little too rough for his liking to unwind.

In the case that he has an S/O, he'd use his down time to be in their company.

Wether that be by taking walks or horse rides with them, or shopping through town.

Don't forget cuddle sessions on his office couch~

Overall, this man doesn't get enough love or appreciation.

His down time is sacred, so whenever he gets a chance, he'll spend it unwinding from all his stressful duties. Forgetting for a moment that he is responsible for many men and women's lives and just live in the moment.


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