Erwin x Reader ~ Flowers and Scones

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Having been the newly appointed Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin finds himself swamped with work. Ranging from meetings in Trost and Sina, to mountains of reports stacked neatly on his desk.

Perhaps his assistant YIN, his old friend, could ease some of his tension.
SFW, fluff,
My man's misunderstood and deserves to relax ;(

"Sunset already?"

Y/N yawned and stretched her arms above her head as she looked through the windows overlooking the hills from HQ. Birds were seen flying back into their nests as the last rays of the sun shone golden and orange through the leaves. Such a sight always helped Y/N unwind after a stressful day of errands and paperwork.

Being an assistant to Commander Erwin was both taxing and rewarding for Y/N. Taxing, for all the running around HQ and into towns as a messenger she had to do on his behalf. Rewarding, for how much time she was able to spend at his side in his office or at meetings he would attend.

Though she wouldn't admit it to a single soul, Y/N had grown quite fond of her Commander for the years she had spent with him. It was his kind, understanding tone as he spoke that first lured her in. The way he would scrunch his brows in thought when coming up with a solution to a problem the Survey Corps were working through, or when making hard decisions during his meetings with Commander Pyxis.

And when Erwin had been promoted to head of the Survey Corps, Y/N couldn't help fall a little harder for the blond. His authority, his confidence, his easy way with words....Y/N couldn't think of a single thing she disliked about the man.

"Ah, he'll need these forums soon," Y/N thought to herself with a sleepy sigh. She'd been working on these forums all day, since Erwin had asked them to be completed before his meeting tomorrow morning in Trost.
Cracking her knuckles and stretching her legs, Y/N clambered to her feet and shoved her chair back. She made for the door of her small office, the forums tucked away in the crook of her elbow and a small smile on her face.

"My favorite time of the day; getting an excuse to go see him after hours."

Closing the door behind her, she peered down the hall in both directions. Despite it not yet being night, it seemed no one was around. This wasn't uncommon on weekend evenings, when workloads were lighter for the cadets and Captains. They were more free to go out into town or go visit their families.
Yet still, the rare silence was something Y/N would never get used to.

Y/N made her way down the hall to where she knew Erwin's office and personal chambers to be, tucking a couple stray hairs behind her ears and smoothing out her uniform. Reaching his door, she saw candle light seeping through the cracks around the frame. Good, he was still there.

She raised her knuckle and knocked three times, only to be met with silence.
Pausing a moment, she contemplated her options; knock again and ask for him, or come back another time in case he was busy.
Deciding on the former, she raised her fist once more.

Three more knocks met the wooden door, and this time a groggy voice spoke out before she even opened her mouth to call out.

"Come in," Erwin's tired voice granted.

Smiling to herself, Y/N twisted the brass doorknob and entered into the well lit room.

Upon entering, the first thing Y/N took note of was all the scattered parchment littering the Commander's desk and floor beside a waste basket. Taking a longer look around, she noticed empty ink wells and a couple broken writing quills near his window sill. Sighing at the evidence that suggested he had been at this for awhile, Y/N approached Erwin's desk on the far wall and held out her forums to Erwin.

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