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september 9th 2001

I was rushing through the halls hearing my footsteps from how quiet it was, no one was in the halls except me. I was late for school. I got in front of my class and grimaced as the door was closed. Now everyone would look at me as I knocked and went into the class. I took a deep breath hyping myself up and knocked on the door, the door opened and I saw everyone's heads turned towards me "James nice of you to grace us with your presence" the teacher said and I walk in, I hear a few laughs and the teacher tells me to sit, I quickly walk to my seat and sit behind Taylor and the class continues.

Half the school day has gone by and now me,Taylor, Liam and Anna were walking to the cafeteria to eat lunch, after we sat down with our food Liam and Anna were busy debating about some move so I turned to Taylor who was sitting beside me "hey did you wanna come over to my house today and I could show you some of my music?" I asked her after taking a sip of my drink, Taylors eyes lit up "really yeah for sure" she agreed excitedly, I smiled getting excited to show her some of my songs, "alright but i'm going to get my hair cut after school so i'll call you when I get home" Taylor nodded and started taking out a piece of paper and pencil, "yeah here's my home phone number, I took the paper and folded it and put it in my pocket "thanks".

Lunch was ending in a few minutes and me and Taylor were walking back to our class when someone shoulder checked me and I stumbled but luckily didn't fall, I felt Taylor steady me by grabbing onto my arm "watch where you're going midget" I heard a rough rude voice and looked up and saw John Mitchell, "what you ran into me" I grumbled glaring at him "shut up loser" was his same old dumb reply but i'm not surprised John is dumb, I saw him look beside me to Taylor and I tensed up a little but saw him smirk, "hey who's this girl" he asked in a weird voice like he was tryna flirt or something "my names Taylor" she introduced with an unimpressed tone, "Taylor" he said her name smirking even more and my hand clenched into fist.

"What are you doing hanging out with this loser freak" he asked looking at me and chuckling "you should ditch her come hang out with me and my friends'' my fist clenched even harder, jealousy burning in me, Taylor looked him up and down in disdain "no thanks" she said plainly and grabbed my hand making my fist unclench and started walking away with me following, "hey!" I heard John yell and I looked back and smirked at him, well he just gave me a glare.

"Ugh so thats John'' Taylor said in disgust, "yeah an ass isn't he" I complained and looked down and saw we were still holding hands, my heart skipped a beat but I didn't say anything and Taylor didn't let go so we kept walking hand in hand, "totally how long has he been like that picking on you?" she asked in frustration "since I moved here" I answered and we stopped at our lockers unlocking hands to get some books "hey what did he mean by freak I don't think your one" she questioned in confusion "ugh its his go to insult he just called me that because-" I paused a little nervous but continued.

"He calls me that because, well I was born differently" we both closed our lockers and I turned to look at her "huh differently what do you mean" she asked confused "well I was born differently umm a medical condition, I have umm" I paused looking embarrassed to say the word, "you know" I gestured awkwardly to my lower area Taylor just shook her head a little with a cute confused expression on her face "I have a boys part" I leaned closer to her and whispered while gesturing lower, Taylors face showed understanding and her blue eyes went wide "ohhh" she said and her face heated up and turned red, it was embarrassing talking about this with her.

I blushed in embarrassment and nodded, "well that's it, so what" Taylor said after learning that about me "I know he's the only person that calls me that no one else cares about me having a um thing" I said my face still red but gradually going away "he's definitely an ass i mean who cares" Taylor said and I just smiled and chuckled, "he's probably jealous of you" my eyes opened wide in shock and I started shaking my head is disagreement "no really I mean look at him" she continued and scrunched up her face in disgust I started laughing and she joined in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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