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September 1st 2001

A knock and the door opening woke me up "James its 7 time to wake up" my mom said well turning on the light, I groaned turning over to look at her squinting my eyes "ok i'll be up in a sec" I mumbled "don't fall back asleep I mean it James it's your first day" I hummed so she knows I heard what she said and she closed the door, I let out a groan turning on my back and put the pillow over my head to block out the bright light, but eventually got up to get ready.

After I got ready I went downstairs where I saw the rest of my family sitting at the dining table, my mom was getting my younger twin sisters some scrambled eggs and toast well my dad was already eating, I sat down and started plating my food "so James are you excited for school your in middle school now 7th grade" my mom said excitedly "yeah I guess" I said with a shrug it was just school nothing special I thought.

Eventually dad had to leave for work. He was a professor. "bye dad" I said as he got his jacket on, he came over and ruffled my hair "i'll see you later James" he said then said goodbye to my sisters and mom. "ok Emma, Lila go put your shoes on" my mom said and my sisters got up and started running to the front door "James finish up quickly we gotta go" mom said well going to the front door "ok" I told her well quickly finishing my breakfast.

I put on my shoes and backpack and before we left my mom told us to wait, "hold on I have to take a picture" she said getting her camera "really you do this every year" I complained and stood next to my sisters "yes I do, do this every year you should be used to it James" she says and we take the back to school photos, and I honestly should be she's a photographer has her own store and everything.

Soon we were out the door and in the car on our way to school mom dropped me off first at the middle school, "have a good day James love you" mom said well I was opening the door to get out "love you to mom" I told her well I got out "bye James" my sisters said and I said bye to them and shut the car door and started walking to school.

Well walking to the door surrounded by other kids I saw my two best friends "hey Anna,Liam" I called out to them they turned around, " hey James" they both said and we started talking about anything and everything well walking to our class because the bell was gonna ring soon, all three of us had the same teacher so we knew it was gonna be a good year.

The bell rang and everyone started filing into their classes we were able to choose our seats Liam sat behind me and Anna sat beside me in the next row, well everyone was still coming in I saw a girl walk in and my eyes went right to her she had curly blond hair and when she looked up from her paper I saw she had bright electric blue eyes, pretty I thought, I haven't seen her before so she must be new, I was thinking when I saw her walk over to me "hey is this seat taken" her sweet voice said with a smile as she pointed at the empty seat in front of me.

I smiled back at her "no it's free" I said "thanks" she replied and sat down in front of me, and the teacher soon came in and the class started. Before lunch we got our numbers for our locker I was talking to Anna and Liam to see there locker numbers but there's weren't beside mine, so I went to find mine and told them I would meet them at lunch since it was starting soon, "112,112" I was mumbling looking for my locker and eventually found it.

I opened my locker putting my bag in and heard someone come up beside me and open the locker next to mine I looked and saw it was the Blond girl from earlier, "hey" I said with a smile and she looked at me and smiled "hey I guess we're locker buddies" she said her locker was number 113 "yeah I guess we are" I agreed, and up close now I got a better look at her she was pretty with her curly blond hair and blue eyes and she was tall, taller than me and then I remembered I didn't even know her name yet.

"Hey I just realized I don't even know your name Im James Hart you must be new" I said with my hand out for a hand shake and cursed myself in my head what 11 year old does handshakes I thought, but she just smiled wider and shook my hand "yeah I am new just moved here about a week ago Im Taylor Swift" she said "well nice to meet you Taylor you know our names kinda match with James Taylor" she chucked "yeah it does I was named after him" she said and I let out a disbelieving laugh "me too guess we really do match".

"so how you liking Nashville" I said wanting to get to know her better "it's good so far just the whole moving and not knowing anyone thing",she said well we both closed our lockers then the lunch bell rang, "well if you want you can come sit with me and my friends at lunch if your you know not waiting for someone else" I said stumbling at the end of the sentence hoping she doesn't deny the invite, she just smiled and giggled at my stumbling and that made me blush in embarrassment, "yeah i'd love to thanks" she said and we stated walking to the lunch room "no problem".

We eventually got to the lunchroom and me and Taylor bought our lunch and I started looking around for my friends and saw them at a empty table, "their over there" I said to Taylor and we started walking over, me and Taylor sat down in front of them they looked confused on who I was with "hey guys so this is Taylor she's new, Taylor this is Anna and Liam" I said well pointing at them, they all greeted each other and we all started talking well eating our lunch, Taylor fit right in with the group.

Lunch ended and soon the first day of school did to, I was walking out of the school with my friends and remembered to ask Taylor something, "hey were going to the local arcade tomorrow after school you should come" I said well walking beside her "yeah sure i'll ask my parents later" she said with a smile, we got out of the school and started going our separate ways "bye James i'll see you tomorrow" Taylor said well walking to a car "bye Taylor" I said with a big smile well waving and walking to my moms car.

I got in the car and my mom started driving away so we could pick up my sisters, "so how was your first day" mom asked "it was good, really good" I said thinking about my new friend Taylor.

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