Erwin x Reader ~ Flowers and Scones

Start from the beginning

"Good evening Commander! I got your forums finished in time for the meeting tomorrow."
Y/N smiled at her friend, but her smile soon dropped into a concerned frown. Erwin met her gaze with tired eyes and a halfhearted smile. While it looked like he had slept the night before, it didn't seem he'd left his office once today. Y/N briefly wondered if he'd ever come down to eat and drink with everyone else earlier on in the day, and was even more concerned to recall she'd never seen him in the dining hall at any point today.

"Thank you, Y/N. You're a true life saver," Erwin lightly chuckled as he reached across the table with shaky hands to take the forums from Y/N'a hands.

Their hands briefly brushed, and Y/N couldn't help the slight rise of color to her face.
"O-of course, sir." She smiled bashfully.

"Please, take your usual seat," Erwin gestured to the chair he had set in front of his desk opposite his own. This chair he'd brought into his office specifically for her to sit in and join him after hours. Little did Y/N know, Erwin enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his. It made his busy mornings and stressful evenings of work worth it all, in his mind.

Y/N eagerly took her seat and got comfortable. After a moment of peaceful silence, Y/N decided to ask about his well-being.

"Sir?" Erwin raised a brow curiously at her, so she continued. "When was the last time you ate?"

Erwin furrowed his brows and thought with a light hum. "Dinner, I recall."

"Sir...You weren't in the dinning hall this evening for dinner." Y/N reminded him.

"Oh...Oh yes, you're right. I suppose that was last night's dinner, then." Erwin noted curiously. Y/N jumped to her feet.

"Sir! You need to eat! Here, allow me to bring you something left over in the kitchens-" Y/N's concerned rant was cut short with a wave of his hand.

"No need, Y/N. I plan to discuss my meeting with Commander Pyxis over breakfast tomorrow morning, anyways. Besides, these files won't fill themselves out," he chuckled softly.

"But, sir-"

"No buts, Y/N. I'll be fine," he reassured her. Suddenly, he stood and walked to her side of the desk, and placed his large calloused hand onto her shoulder.

"You have been nothing but a tremendous help and constant reassurance to me for all your time with me, Y/N. I could ask no more if you than your get some well deserved rest tonight."

Y/N opened her mouth to retort, but suddenly closed it. An idea had sparked in her mind, and an easygoing smile had found its way onto her face.

"Well, you're about as stubborn as they come, sir. I suppose I'll have to retire for the night and see you off in the morning."

Erwin smiled down at her and lightly ruffled her hair. "Thank you, Y/N. Rest well, and feel free to sleep in before you run errands in Sina by lunch. My treat."

"Thank you, sir!"

Now on her way out the door, turning to bid Erwin goodnight, a larger smile took over her features. It was time to set her plan into motion.


By noon the following day, Erwin was making his way back to his office back in HQ. The meeting had gone over well enough, and he was now exhausted from so many hours of planning and strategizing. He opened his door with a yawn and removed his Scouts jacket, placing it over the back of his tall chair. As he took a seat and began to reach for yet another forum to fill out, something colorful caught his eye.
Turning his head curiously to inspect the new objects on his desk, he couldn't help but smile fondly.

A small vase of assorted purple flowers sat posed next to a small plate full of scones. He leaned forward to inspect the flowers, and chuckled. Clematis, Lilac, and Lavender. A few of his personal favorites.
Picking up a scone, he saw they were blueberry and raspberry, with purple and blue icing swirls decorating the tops.
Biting into one and savoring the taste, Erwin took notice of something he hadn't noticed before.

A small, yellowing page of parchment was folded under the platter. Finishing off the treat, Erwin took the paper and unfolded it and began to read.

"Good afternoon, sir!
Please remember to eat today, and take a break, you've worked hard! I'll be back a couple hours before midnight, and I'll come visit you then with results of the meeting in Sina.
Love, Y/N"

A large, toothy smile appeared on Erwin's face as he refolded the hasty note Y/N left and slipped it into a pocket just above his heart and reached for another scone.

"Dear Walls, that girl I swear"....Erwin thought.
"I think tonight would be the perfect night to finally tell her how I've felt for her all these years....."

Headcannoning rn that Erwin's fave color is purple. Don't ask me why, it just feels right :)
Request on the request page!


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