Engagement ring (HIS P.O.V) (1D)

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"Everything alright honey?" my mum asked, moving to sit beside me on the couch. "Yeah, just thinking," I replied and went back to watching tv. "Actually Mum, I have some news, but I can't tell anyone, but I need to cause I'm nervous but excited at the same time," I sighed. She smiled and placed her hand on mine. "Tell me, I'm really good at keeping secrets," she whispered. "I'm planning on proposing to Y/N," I smiled. Her face lit up and she pulled me into a tight hug. "It is amazing, Oh I have something for you," she said standing up and leaving the room. Moments later she returned, handing me a small box. I slowly opened it and was in awe of the ring. "It was your dad's grandmother's ring. It has been passed down to the next Mrs Payne in each generation. So I couldn't give it to your sisters," she laughed. "Oh my, Mum, it's beautiful. It's prefect for Y/N. Thank you. She'll love it."

"Excuse me," Y/D/N said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen to answer the phone. I looked up at Y/M/N, smiling still. I'm less nervous than I was before they gave me their permission to marry Y/N. "I can't believe it," she whispered, "Your going to be getting married." I smiled and nodded my head. "Have to wait for Y/N to say yes first," I joked. "So do you know how you are going to propose? Do you have the ring?" she asked. "Leave the poor boy alone Y/M/N, he only just asked us," Y/N dad said walking back to the table to join us. "Actually I do have the ring," I replied proudly, pulling a small box out of my bag and handed it to her mum. "I couldn't leave it at home, knowing Y/N, she would find it," I laughed. Her mum opened the box and gasped. "It's beautiful. It's so Y/N. She will love it," she said showing Y/D/N. "Well if she reacts like you did; I know I did good," I smiled.

"Can you get my phone for me Zayn? It's in my bag," I asked. He nodded and unzipped the bag. Moments later, I heard whispers from the boys. I looked up and saw Zayn and Harry looking in my bag. "Hey lads, what you doing?" I asked walking towards them. Zayn turned around and had the small box in his hand. My heart dropped. "Zayn," I held out my hand. He shook his head and opened it up. "Is it what I think it is?" Harry said, looking between the box and me. I felt my cheeks redden. Liam and Louis stopped playing the piano and wanted to know what was going on. "Looks like Niall here wants to propose to Y/N," Zayn said. "Aww, our little Niall," Louis cooed. I ran my hand through my hair in embarrassment. "It's a beautiful ring," Liam added. "You better not tell her, I swear," I said. "We promise. And don''t worry, Y/N loves you so much, even if you mess this up, she will still say yes," Harry said, patting me on the back.

"Where are we going Harry?" Gemma asked as we walked down the busy shopping street. I smiled at her, not saying a word. "I thought you were getting Y/N birthday present?" she continued. I stopped outside a jewellers and looked at her. "I am picking up her present. But I would love your option," I said walking inside. She looked around the store in awe and before she could ask another question, I cut her off, "Just wait a moment." I got the attention of the sales assistant and told her what I was here to pick up. I waved at Gemma to come over to me. As soon as the lady brought out the box and opened it, Gemma gasped. "Oh my god, Harry, are you serious?" she squealed. I nodded and picked up the ring. "Do you think Y/N will like it?" I asked. "It's beautiful. Oh my god, she will love it. It's amazing.. For her birthday too Harry. That's prefect," she rambled on.

I sat on our bed, holding a small box. I had left the studio early to picked up the engagement ring for Y/N. I heard soft singing coming from the bathroom, making me smile. She always sung in the shower when she thought no one was around; another thing I love about her. I slowly opened the box and stared at the ring. The proposal had to be prefect; just like her. The ring was gorgeous; I thought of Y/N has soon as I saw it. I heard the shower turn off, making me snap the box close and jump up, looking for somewhere to hid it. I quickly ran into our wardrobe and hid it in the pocket of an old jacket. I took a breath and stepped back into the bedroom. "Oh Z, didn't hear you come home. How was the studio?" she blushed, holding her towel tighter. "Glad to be home. I'll start dinner?" I said kissing her cheek and going to the kitchen.



Not mine 😊

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