chapter 8

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Amelias POV:

I was let out of the hospital a week ago. I am able to do everything now. If all it needed to get rid of my cancer was one surgery, I don't know why no one did it sooner.

I am currently with Lucy on the sofa watching TV when she breaks the very comfortable silence, "You okay? I know we haven't spoken much this week, and I'm so sorry." It takes me a few seconds to process her rant, but when I do, I get up from my position and go to her. I sit next to her and just hug her. She held me tight as if I was going to leave her.

"I love you, Luce." I whisper into her. "I love you too, Am," She says, kissing the top of my head.

We stay like that for a little longer before I get up for a drink. I grab my cup from the coffee table and walk to the kitchen. Filling it up with water, I drink it all. I fill it up again and walk back to the living room. I put my cup back on the table and go to sit next to Lucy. She ended up falling asleep, so I took a picture. Sending it to kiera to make her jealous as she is at football training. Lucy took a few days off to look after me.

I sit on an armchair and scroll through tiktok for half an hour, waiting for Lucy to wake up. She promised that we could finally meet up with Leah, Mary, Ella, and Alessia again. She only agreed now because 1. She wanted to make sure I was fully healed and 2. Me, Ella, and Alessia were a pain in her 'backside' at the hospital, she said.

I'm really excited to see them all, especially Leah. She didn't leave the hospital once until I was allowed out and then insisted on staying at Lucy's for hours after I got out. She then booked a hotel just down the road to us, so if she was needed, she only needed to walk fifteen minutes or run for around seven minutes.

When Lucy wakes up, she tells me to go get dressed, which I quickly do. She got me my own clothes the other week but I didn't care. Her clothes were comfier so I put on a pair of her england shorts and her hoodie with my shirt on. She notices instantly that I'm wearing her clothes, but she doesn't say anything. We get our shoes on and get in her car.

"Can I play music? Pleaseee?" I beg. Lucy sighs and unlocks her phone before handing it to me and starting the car, "No bad swear words." I don't get what she means, "Huh?" She sighs again, "No songs with the n or f slur in." I only just realise what she means, "ohhhh, I wasn't going to, but okay."

The car falls into a comfortable silence. I lean my head on the window and look out at all the passing trees and people. As we get about five minutes away, I can't contain my excitement and start telling Lucy to drive faster. She just keeps shaking her head, "No, because then I'd be breaking the law, and if we got pulled over the it would take even longer."

I just huff knowing that she was right. I still keep saying it under my breath so she doesn't hear me. As soon as we pull up to the park and the car has stopped, I run out of the car and into Alessia's arms as she's the closest. The others join in to make it a group hug. I then break it and give Ella and Mary an individual hug. When I get to Leah, I hug her, and she hugs me tightly, picking me off the floor slightly. I laugh a little, "I saw you a few days ago, Leah." Lucy then scoffs jokingly and says, "Then why were you practically begging me to break the law and go faster.


I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I wanted to get something out for you all you all.


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