chapter 5

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Amelia's POV


I fell to the floor, screaming in pain. Holding my back. My dad came running into the room. When he looked at me, his face was even more worried. "Babe! Start the car. Now, " He shouts down to my mum as he carefully picks me up off the floor while I'm still holding my back. I had stopped screaming but was now crying. Crying with no end in sight. I was crying so hard I could fill an entire swimming pool.

He ran downstairs, holding me in his arms, careful not to bump into anywith. He carefully put me, so I sat against the wall while he put his shoes on. Picking my crying and weak body 7 year old body off the floor, he jogged to the back seats in the car. I looked over at Lucy's House and saw her car was gone. She was training. It was too painful to sit up, so I was lying over the backseats my dad driving and mum in the back, letting me rest my head on her legs as I continued to sob from the pain.

Just as the pain started to calm a bit, it came back. Worse than before. Before, it was just the middle of my back. This time, it was my whole back and part of my neck. I screamed as the pain shot through my entire back. My dad started speeding. We were so close to the hospital when we heard the worst thing.

The sirens. My dad panicked, pulling over. The officer walked over to the window as dad rolled it down. He was about to question why we were speeding, but once again, the pain came back worse than the two other times. For the third time in under fifteen minutes, I screamed from pain, crying even harder. The officer looked at me concerned. He turned back to dad as he started to explain, "Some things wrong with her. She keeps having excruciating pain in her back. It got worse as I was driving and as I didn't know what it was I worried. I started speeding. I hate seeing her in pain. But I am very sorry for speeding but I hope you understand."

It looked like he didn't believe dad as he glanced at my red tear full cheeks. Tears were still falling fast. But they were silent. "I will escort you so you get there faster." He said. He looked at me once more as I cried. I don't know why this is happening. Why me?

We got to the hospital in five minutes, thanks to that officer. He stayed with mum and dad as I went to get loads of tests done. He was standing outside the door to my room as I got wheeled back in. Asleep. They had to put me to sleep as the pain kept randomly shooting through my back and neck. I had been having all the tests for a few hours. They put me to sleep at the start. So I started to wake up for the horrid conversation about what my problem was.

"I'm sorry. Your daughter has cancer in her spine. We need to operate to remove it." The doctor said. Mum was crying. Dad was tearing up. "Will it be gone? Forever?" Dad asks. The doctor sighs and shakes his head. Making mum cry even more.

She left the room. She left the hospital. She took the car. Went for a drive. A four hour drive. When she got back, it sounded only then did dad breathe. He sighed so heavily, knowing she was okay.

Present day

I wake up again with a start. This time, the sun was shining through the closed curtains. But Luce was gone. I got up and  realised I had no clean clothes to wear. I woke into Lucy and keiras room quietly and stole a pair of her training shorts and a hoodie sliding it on top of my sports bras. Quickly walling out of their room, I closed it like how it was before.

I walked down the stairs, and after a bit of wandering, I saw Luce and keira sat on the sofa. Keira saw me first and smirked slightly at what I was wearing. Luce didn't see the slight smirk, so she didn't turn around. I walked around to her, and before she saw what I was wearing, I flopped onto her lap, hugging her. She hugged me back before pulling away, and I flopped to her side. She looks at me for a second before looking at the hoodie and shorts, "Hang on a minute. You're wearing my stuff, you thief." The last past made us all laugh. "I didn't have anything clean to wear, so I stole your shorts and a hoodie." I say. She nodds her head in understanding, "Wait, what about a shirt, don't you need one? Or did you use the one from yesterday?" I smile, knowing she won't approve of me going anywhere with only a sports bra on under, "I don't need a shirt. I'm fine." She nods before getting up.

"I'm going to get a drink. Do either of you want one?" She asks. I shake my head, "No thank you. But I'll come with you." I jump up and walk next to her. When we're in the kitchen, she says, "I have training today, but I've messaged them saying I'm giving it a miss. I did it so we could spend time together." She says, nudging me a little. I laugh a little, "So what are we going to do today then?" She pretends to think for a second before saying, "I thought maybe you'd like to meet some of the girls." I looked at her shocked, "You want me to meet your friends?" She just nods, pouring hot water into her and keiras cups. She stirs them, and we walk back into the living room. I was holding Kieras Cup, so I carefully but quickly went past Luce to give keira her cup. "Here you go. I made it for you." I jokingly say. She takes it, "Well, in that case, thank you, Amelia."

I am bored. "Go get your shoes on. We're going out." Luce says all of a sudden. I run off to get my shoes on. My back was still hurting a little, so I carefully slid down the wall to put my shoes on. I get up with the help of the shoe box. I look into the living room to see Luce and keira kissing. They pull away and say goodbye. I look away, so they don't know I saw. As Luce is putting on her shoes, my phone slips out of the shorts pocket. I groan as Lucy will see me struggle to pick it up. I try to bend down to get it, but it hurts too much, so I slide down the wall to get it. I fail to get up without support, but as I go to use the shoe box, I feel two hands grip under my arms and carefully lift me up. I turn and smile at her, thankfully.

In the car, she finally asks about it. "What was going on earlier?" I sigh, "my back has been hurting a little. I couldn't bend down to get it, so I had to get on the floor." She nods her head in understanding.

We get to a little cafe, and Luce parks the car. As we walk inside, my eyes fall on the group of professional footballers. Leah Williamson, Ella Toone, Alessia Russo, Mary Earps, Jordan Nobbs, Lauren Hemp, and Georgia Stanway. They all turn to look at the door and smile when they see Luce. I feel her hand on my back comforting me. We walk over, and there is a collection of 'hi' and 'who's that' then Lucy'. Lucy looks at me smiling warmly before talking, "Hey guys, this is Amelia." Georgia, Jordan, and Ella all look confused while everyone else's jaws we're basically on the floor. "You're the Amelia?" Leah says. I smile shyly while nodding my head. I see Alessia whisper to Ella, Leah whisper to Jordan, and Lauren whisper to Georgia before they all say,'ohhhhh, her old next-door neighbour'. "Sit down then," Leah chuckles. There was only one free seat on the table and we couldn't borrow any seats because they were all being used soo after some persuading Luce sat on the seat and I had to sit on her lap much to my disapproval. "I'll look stupid. A sixteen year old sat on a thirty year olds lap." They all shook their heads to say I won't.


I'm so sorry for the delay, but here you go. A long part for the inactivity.
Have a good day.

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