chapter 3

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Amelia's POV

Me and Scarlett get out of taxi that was taking us to her work conference. When we got out, she skipped in front of me, and I had to jog after her. "Scar, waitt," I wined. She only stopped at an empty table for the two of us. "So, when's the first speech?" I question. She looks down at her lap presumably to check the leaflet she got before answering, "The first one is in half an hour." I groan, "as much as I love you, this is going to bore me." She just nodds clearly, enjoying my misery. We went to get drinks, and since I'm legally still under age, I had to get a coke. Not that I'm complaining. I love cokes. I just could have done with alcohol to get me through the night. We get back to our table, and ten minutes after the first person walks on the stage. From what I can see, he looks like he's in his mid fifties. He speech was extremely confusing and boring. I didn't complain as Scarlett was enjoying it, though. The second speech was much shorter, and when the third person came on, I excused myself to the bathroom. After washing my hands, I dried them and was about to leave when I heard a voice that instantly made me look at the door. And that voice was about to go. I quickly opened the door, and at the sudden noise, two women turned around. I instantly froze. It was lucy. I thought I had lost her forever. But here she was. She froze as well. It was like a staring competition. "Luce. I'm going to get us both a drink." The other famous footballer spoke, Keira Walsh.

Lucy Bronzes POV.

"Luce. I'm going to get us both a drink." Kei says. I don't say anything. I stay frozen. She goes anyway. We stood staring at each other for at least five more minutes before she spoke first. "Lucy?" She says with a shaky voice. I return her question with the same tone, "Amelia." She runs to me and collapses her entire body weight into me as I hug her tightly, not wanting to let go with the fear she'd leave again.

Amelia's POV.

I run into her arms, tears flowing down my face with no stop in sight. My arms wrap around her back while her arms are around my neck, holding me close. I debate whether or not to say anything but can't stop myself and choke out, "I've missed you." She pulls on impossibly closer and whispers, "I've missed you too, Am."
I hear someone clear their throat, "Mind introducing me, Luce?" Lucy pulls away, keeping an arm on my shoulders, making sure I don't leave again. The owner of the voice box was keira walsh. "Kei, this is Amelia. Am, this is Keira." I smile at her. Of course, I already knew who keira was, but I like being introduced properly. "Wait. The Amelia. Your old neighbour Amelia!?" Keira breathed. "Yep, this is her." I smile, knowing she talked about me to keira and possibly other famous footballers. She turns to me with a serious expression on her face, "You. You need to tell me what happened. And why you left me." I nodded my head, "I will, I promise. Can we do it sitting down though my back hurts?" Like me, she nods and takes my hand, leading me to her table. I quickly message Scarlett to let her know I was with an old friend and was fine. Keira stayed where we were per Lucy's request. "Where should I start?" She thought for a second before answering like either was obvious, "how about why you left." I nodded know what her reaction would be, "Luce. I had cancer. I had to move to London. I asked to see you every day but was never allowed. They said we had an unhealthy bond for such a big age gap." She sat there while what I said sank in, "Are you okay now, though?" I smile at how caring she is towards me, "I think I'm fine. I mean, nothing is for sure, but apart from my back hurting a bit, I feel fine." She nodded her head to show she understood me. "Do you have a place to stay up here? It's too late to leave now." She's such a mum. "I'm with a friend. I'll be fine." She shakes her head, "Nope, you're staying at mine and Kei's. There's no point trying to argue, I've decided." I sighed and just agreed. As much as I missed Luce, I was scared to stay at her house because I have really bad nightmares about my parents. That's the reason I left them. They severely mistreated me. I'll tell her later if I have one. I messaged Scarlett and told her I was going to stay here with my friend so we could catch up on everything I've missed about her life and everything she missed about mine. We left and got in her, and when we got to her and keiras' house, she held onto my hand, and we held hands when I was being shown around the house. The guest room was next to the bathroom, and on the other side of the bathroom was her and Keiras room.


I apologise for the delay, but because of that, I wrote a longer chapter. Thank you so much to those who commented on chapter 2 saying they already liked the book as it made me smile. I will try to stay on top of posting, but I have loads of homework to do, so it might take a few days between each chapter. So if that's the case, I apologise in advance.

Have a great day/night

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