Chapter Two

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—First Person POV.—


The simple word echoed through my head, accompanied by the light rustle of my footsteps against the soft grass. Rays of light flicker through the leaves above, effortlessly glancing off my skin as I dashed further through the forest.

A quiet pant flutters through my slightly parted lips—forcefully hushed as I dig my feet into the ground, slowing to a stop.

Tilting my head back over my shoulder, my ears flick upwards and twitch, capturing a shout a little off from where I stood and causing my brows to furrow.

There's a slow in my pace and the alarm bells quieted down as I sucked in a much needed breath of air.

They had been following me for a while now and I couldn't help but scoff in irritation—turning to trot off in the opposite direction before a man emerges from the bush a few feet in front of me, causing my body to freeze on the spot.

At first his eyes are cast downwards but upon catching sight of me too, they widen in shock and he immediately raises the gun clutched in his grasp—barrel moving to lock onto my figure.

By then I had snapped out of my shocked state, forcing my body to move as he pulled the trigger—sending the tranquilizer straight into the soft grass I had just been standing on.

I had managed to dodge and I didn't waste any time watching him reload—instead turning on my heel and bolting off into the woods, now weaving between trees as he followed after.

My ears twitched as wind rushed past, a yell sounding off from behind and pulling my attention to the side as a dart whizzes past—embedding itself into a tree beside me.

I had come to a harsh stop, narrowly missing the needle when it was shot and snapping my head in the direction it had come from—another man stood to my right, loading a new dart into his gun.

Still hearing the footsteps approaching behind me, I hurriedly turned on my heel and dashed off in the opposite direction of the two.

And of course I run past three more hunters—shouts ringing all about as I swiftly turned, having lost any way of navigating through this forest and instead focusing on just getting away.

I pushed my legs to go faster, breaking through a section of bushes and making it out to an open area where a river flowed wildly through the middle—and hearing the loud people behind me, I didn't wait a second before running and jumping.

Thanks to my quirk, I landed easily on the other side, a sigh of relief escaping my lips once I turned back around to see the hunters emerge from the bushes and come to a stop just before the rushing water.

I can't help but smile tauntingly towards the group, my ears erect in a giddy manner as I waved—my ego practically flying through the clouds above when I heard a few of them cuss.

'Another successful escape!' I internally beam, stating my accomplishment with glee before I am suddenly shoved forward—my body harshly hitting the ground as a new weight slings over me.

"Got it!" A voice calls over the loud water, my eyes widening in panic as I turned—kicking beneath the net while the weights attached secured it to the floor, caging me in.

What was that saying again? Pride comes before the fall?

My eyes narrowed in anger as I continued to struggle against the thick net that ensnared me—my heart pounded loudly in my chest and a desperate sense of fear welled up as I realized the hunters were closing in.

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