Hello Professor

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him entering the great hall. He started to walk towards Dumbledore and the other professors, with an emotionless look on his face of course. I could hear everyone whispering about him as he confidently strutted past us all, making his presence known. His gorgeous, sparkly eyes met mine for the quickest second of my life but it made me feel a different kind of way. I couldn't stop admiring at how sexy this man really was, the way his curly hair came over his forehead, the way his suit perfectly grabbed his muscle toned body. Fuck, it for sure feels hot in here.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as Lorenzo smacked my shoulder. "Hello? Did you hear anything I just said Y/N?" "Oh my goodness, no I'm sorry Enzo I was just thinking.. about all the fun stuff we're going to do this year! Oh, Mattheo, you didn't tell us Tom was going to be our professor this year?" Mattheo looked at you and rolled his eyes "Must have slipped my mind, not exactly happy that he'll get to tell me what to do, asshole" all of us laughed and started to get up to leave the hall to our first potions lesson for the year. I quickly glanced over at Tom before I left and to my surprise he was already looking in my direction, he quickly looked away as our eyes met.

As the time went on in class, all I could think about was how I felt when mine and Tom's eyes connected with each other, was he really looking at me? Or was it just a coincidence. As I got lost in my thoughts about him again, I heard a sweet voice hit my ears. "Hey girls! Us Ravenclaws are having a welcome back party this weekend, we wanted to see if you and your Slytherin boys wanted to join us" asked Luna Lovegood. "Wow! Sure thing Luna, that's really sweet... I'll make sure I'll bring Lorenzo along for you" I winked at her as I saw her cheeks turn bright red "see you all there!"

That night, I couldn't focus on anything. I had a nice, relaxing bath and got into some shorts and a jumper. My body felt like it couldn't rest and I was twisting and turning trying to get to sleep. I had enough of this and made my way to the library hoping no one would catch me. As I got in there I placed myself on a chair in the corner of the room with a small light shining on my book. I got lost in the words until I heard a familiar voice which made me jump. "Miss Berkshire, what on earth are you doing in the library at this time of night? Do you want to get into some sort of trouble?" I looked up and there he was, just standing there with his arms crossed, looking down at me, it was no one other than Professor Tom Riddle.

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