Nobody Cares...Yet.

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"What if one of your friends were cutting themselves? Would you still laugh?" Stan asked. Kyle stared at him, dumbfounded and confused. All of them were.

"Stan? Where is this coming from?" Kyle asked. Stan kept his eyes averted to the ground, biting his lower lip so hard he can taste the metallic flavor of blood. He didn't say a word.

"Kyle was just joking, dude. Don't worry. He didn't mean anything by it. Right Kyle?" Kenny stated, looking at Kyle. Kyle nodded, and put a hand on Stan's shoulder. Craig snorted and chuckled a bit.

"Why are you so offended, Stan? Unless, you cut yourself." Stan shot his head up and glared at Craig.

"I never said or implied that I cut myself, I just think that it's not funny to make fun of something so serious." He said, glaring at the stoic bastard. Craig raised and eyebrow in suspicion, and eye-balled Stan. Stan looked away, and tried his hardest to get back on topic.

"So..." he started awkwardly. "You don't want to kill yourself anymore, right?" He said, directing his gaze at Kenny. Kenny chuckled a little.

"Nah. I guess you guys are right. Suicide is selfish. I mean, I still feel like crap, but I won't actually do anything that asinine." Kenny stated. Stan raised a brow. Kyle leaned in and embraced Kenny in a hug.

"If you need anything at all, or even just a person to talk to, I'm not far away. I'll listen to whatever you need to get off your chest, I promise." Kyle said. Stan felt his heart drop and break...if it weren't already broken.

Why can't I have that. Stan thought, and looked away from his two friends hugging. Craig stared at Stan, eye brow still raised.

Kyle and Kenny separated and Stan stood up, stretching his arms. 

"Well, if that's it, then I guess I'm out of here." Stan started to walk towards the door, but was stopped by someone grabbing him by the hem of his cardigan. Stan, however, panicked and grabbed the bottom of his cardigan, tugging it away from whoever grabbed it and let out a little yelp. The force caused him to slam his back against the wall. Kyle and Kenny stood up almost immediately while Craig still sat in the chair, wide eyed and with a shocked expression. Stan stood there, plastered against the wall with a look of horror spread across his face. Kyle took a step towards him cautiously.

"Stan? Are you okay?!" Kyle tried not to panic. Craig finally stood up, towering over Stan. Stan rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously. 

"Haha, yeah! I'm fine, dude! I'm just gonna go now, kay?" Stan said, and got out the door before anything else awkward happened. He got out the front door, but was completely unaware he was being followed.

"Hey! What the fuck was that about?" He heard Craig shout at him as he was leaving Kyle's. Stan turned around and glared.

"Nothing! I'm leaving. See ya, Tucker." Stan was about to get back onto the side walk when Craig grabbed him by the wrist and gently pulled him back. Stan struggled to rip his arm away from his grip.

"Let go, asshole!" Stan screamed. Craig's grip tightened and pulled him back again.

"Are you okay?" Craig asked. Stan's eyes widened and looked up at Craig. 

"Yes, I'm fine!"

No I'm not...

"Are you sure?" Craig asked again. Stan tried to pull off the best cocky smile he could while holding back tears.

"Yes! Let me go!" 

Please don't let go...

Craig loosened his grip, lingering a little, before he finally let go. He stood up straight and put his hands in the pockets of his blue hoodie. "Well, since you didn't drive here, do you want me to take you home at least?"

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