"So you're doing it out of pity? Because you feel bad for him?"
Ginny's tone stayed very serious as she spoke to Hermione.
"You would just want him to have a nice memory of you leading him on and then what? Walk away with a clear conscience like you've done some good to him?"

Hermione looked up at Ginny.
"I'm not going because I pity Malfoy, I'm going with him because I would rather be with someone who actually had the decency to treat me like I'm an actual person."
Hermione said, raising her voice slightly. Hermione had become annoyed with the fact Ginny thought she was only becoming friends with Malfoy because she thought Hermione felt bad for him. Of course that wasn't the case but a small part of Hermione argued against herself. She did feel bad for Malfoy. After everything he's been through and has seen, he must be so broken.

"You should ask Ron tonight, at dinner. Harry and I will be there."
Ginny said looking around her room after a silence had filled the air.

"I'll see."
Hermione answered.

"I'm sorry, Gin. I didn't mean to yell at you."
Hermione said looking up.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have said that about you and Malfoy. I know it's not true."

After Hermione left Ginny's room, she walked back to her own. Just seconds after she had gotten into the room, there was a knock. She opened it and was face to face with Draco.

He said taking a step back.

"Malfoy. What is it?"

"I figured we could work on tonight's homework, in the library, I, really don't understand it."
He said looking down, a light pink blush spreading across his pale cheeks.

Hermione thought it was cute, Draco Malfoy coming to her for help. Of course, she had already finished all of the homework for tonight's and the next day.

"You know, if you need my help all you have to do is ask."
She said smirking as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the doorway.

He looked up at her and was surprised at her forwardness, but at the same time he enjoyed it.

"Granger just get your stuff, this is the only time I'm asking since I fell asleep in class today."
He admitted, making Hermione laugh.

"Alright Malfoy."
She said grabbing her bag and putting it over her shoulder. She closed the door behind her and walked beside Draco to the library.

"Granger that doesn't make sense."
Draco said as Hermione explained the astronomy homework for the third time.

Hermione signed loudly and and started to explain it again.
"Malfoy, all you have to do is track the movement of Saturn, it's not that difficult."

"It's stupid."
He muttered under his breath, but Hermione still heard him and gave him a glare.

"So how do I track the movements of Saturn?"
He asked sighing and leaning back in the chair.

"Use your telescope and find it."
She said going back to her own work.

"There's so much of this homework, it's all so pointless."
He said.

"It's not pointless unless you don't want a job."
She said without looking up from her book.

"Oh please, I don't need a job."
He said scoffing.
"And we still have that bloody potion to brew still."

"We have about five weeks until the Yule Ball and until we have to turn it in."
She reminded him.

"We should work on it tonight."
He suggested as he started to get up.

"Where are you going? Have you finished?"
Hermione asked looking up at him.

"It's almost time for dinner."
He answered gathering his books and putting them into his bag. Hermione looked out of the window to see Draco was right. The sun had just started to set into a beautiful smear of orange and pink. She had never seen anything so beautiful. Hermione felt very at peace watching the sunset. She started to gather her books as well and put them in her bag.

"Granger, let's go."
Draco said shoving one of his hands in his pocket while the other held his bag slung over his shoulder.
Hermione hurried putting her things away and left the library with Draco.

"You didn't have to wait for me you know."
Hermione stated as they walked into the corridor.

"I know, but I had to because I'm a gentleman."
Draco answered her by moving in front of her and bowing before her, holding out his hand for her to take.
Hermione laughed and took his hand. Draco rose up to meet her brown eyes, and got lost in them. Her small hand was so cold in his warm one, he just wanted to never let go.
And her eyes, a beautiful shade of brown that sparkled when the light shown on to them. Her skin was a beautiful shade and she had a flawless complexion. Her head was framed with beautiful brown curls  that matched her eyes. How did he never notice how beautiful Hermione Granger was?
After some time of studying her, he cleared his throat and moved his hand away from hers, to both of their disappointment.

"After you."
Draco said, gesturing for Hermione to enter the Great Hall first.
She laughed and accepted his offer by entering the loud hall before him. Each house table was filled with students laughing, talking, and eating. The professors sat at their table, talking quietly to each other. Hermione sat down at the seat Ginny was saving next to her while Harry and Ron were talking about the quidditch match.

"Are you gonna do it? Ask Ron?"
Ginny asked quietly.

"I will. Let me eat something first and I'll do it before dinner is dismissed."
Hermione answered as she stated to pick out the food she wanted from one of the many plates on the table.

Green is the opposite of Red. (A Dramonie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now