1~Period cramps are the worst

259 21 153

3rd Person POV

You would think that after literally getting stabbed in your arm with a poisonous dagger , something as simple as period cramps couldn't be that bad, right? Wrong.

Annabeth was groaning on her bed, clutching her stomach to get rid of the horrible pain. She wanted to know which god cursed women with the horrible curse known as periods, because she wanted to smack him upside the head. 

Her stepmom, Helen and dad, along with the twins had gone to some wedding party. They had insisted for her to come but she had declined because no way was she getting out of bed today. Suddenly her doorbell rang, forcing her to get up and see who was there. Opening the door and preparing to glare off the person, her heart nearly jolted out of her throat. There, in all his glory, was Percy, leaning at the doorframe and grinning at her in an adorable, goofy way. 

Even after dating him for more than a month, she still couldn't help her heart racing whenever she looked at him. "Hey Wise Girl! May I come in, or you want to gawk at me some more?" He said, smirking. Annabeth's cheeks heated up and she punched his arm lightly, before moving aside and letting him in. He kissed her on the cheek and went inside, bouncing on the couch a little.

"What are you, six? Bouncing on the couch?" Annabeth teased after sitting next to him. He nodded enthusiastically, making her laugh at his antics. But then her laugh turned into a groan as another stab of pain shot through her gut. Percy's head snapped to hers, his expression suddenly concerned. 

 "What happened? What's wrong? Did I hit you accidentally or something?" He asked, his words laced with worry. 

"No, no. You didn't do anything. Ugh, my period's the worst! I hate period cramps!" She blurted out, fuming.

"Oh-kay." He stretched the word, his face expressionless. "I see. Um, I'll come back, okay? Take care." Was his response, and then he stood up, pecked Annabeth on the lips, and was out the door. She blinked at his sudden actions and then felt like she wanted to cry. She had probably scared him by blurting out all that. What did she even expect? It wasn't likely he would know about things like this.

Rushing out the door, Percy took his car back home. He knew enough about periods to know that they are extremely painful. But he wanted to help Annabeth; seeing her in pain was the worst thing ever. Reaching the driveway, he dashed to the apartment and up the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

Opening the door, he saw his mother on the chair, humming to the radio. He kissed her on the cheek, before hurriedly starting, "Mom, I need to to ask you something!" She hummed in response and he continued, "Um, how do I say this? Annabeth is on her time of the month and she looked pained. Do you know any way that she would feel better? Or anything I need to buy her or something?"

Sally smiled, she had raised her son right. "These questions, you should have asked her, you know? But buy some pads and tampons for her, I guess. Anything she loves to eat or any book she loves to read? Her favourite movie? And yes, do not, under any circumstances, anger her. That would not be good for your health, and I love my son better if he has all his limbs intact."

"Thanks mom, you are a life saver." Then he dashed out of the door, almost twisting his ankle on the last step. Starting the car, he drove to the nearest drug store for buying the first of the items.

Annabeth was still sitting on her couch, her head in her hands, contemplating if she should call Percy or not, when the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door opening it to see Percy, smiling warmly at her, and holding several bags in his hands. Slowly stepping aside, she allowed him to enter, narrowing her eyes at the way he had run away as soon as he knew that Annabeth was on her period.

He looked over her after setting down the bags on the table and rub the back of his neck sheepishly. "Uh, well. I brought these pretzel bites for you as you love them, with some instant noodles and dark chocolate too. And, well, in this bag are some DVD's I rented for you to binge watch. And, uhm, here are some sanitary products like pads and tampons for you, along with some pain killers, and spare ambrosia just in case. There were a lot of sizes, so I took the biggest, smallest and one in between, not really knowing alot about these things, I had to take help from mom."

After saying all that in one breath, he inhaled deeply inhaled and said, "Well, I'll be going then. Take care care and- mumph!"

Annabeth had took a fistful of his shirt and pulled him to her, planting her lips to his'. She couldn't possibly express her gratitude using words and hoped that this kiss said it all. Slowly, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her slowly and gently, as if afraid to hurt her. Pulling back, she buried her head in his chest and stayed like that for a while.

He smelled of the ocean, his arms around her, keeping her close. "You didn't have to do so much for me. There you were, doing everything you could for me and here, I was worrying that you left because of not wanting to trouble yourself..."

Percy placed his palm on her cheek and leaned in, so that their foreheads were touching. "I would never leave you. You can't get rid of me so easily, Wise Girl. Now come on, your pretzel bites are waiting." He whispered and then pecked her lips once more.

Taking the sanitary stuff to the bathroom and bringing out the heat pad, she came back to the living room, seeing Percy already laid on the couch, picking out a good movie. Annabeth snuggled close to Percy, her back pressed against his chest, inhaling deeply and munching on her snack. He put an arm around her waist, and they watched the movie, till she fell asleep to the steady thrums of his heartbeat.

Before slipping into unconsciousness, her last thought was, "What did I ever do ever do to deserve such a boyfriend like him?"


So, how was it? I am pretty proud of it actually because I love such short and wholesome things.

I was also on my period and was like, If Annie got a period and Percy took care of her, wouldn't it be sooo cute? Thus this oneshot.

Byee!!! 🍪🔵🥛

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