"You okay??"

The silence was the only response I received from her

"Aditi!!!",I shook her

"Noo...This can't be happening",she panicked

"What can't be happening?" I played dumb

"That-I...We—Yeah....how can we let our principal get humiliated??",she said putting up an act

Right now, I'm concerned about how naive she is

She really needs to find better excuses to use when she's lying

"Who cares,Dee?It doesn't concern us—",I paused holding back a smile

"It doesn't,right?",I added grinning

Her face came back to life when she finally realised

"You jerk!!You knew???",She yelled hitting me

"Yeah,right from the start",

I laughed,crossing my arm to protect myself from her mighty punches

"I ain't dumb not to put two and two together.When I heard art hall and mess in the same sentence,I knew"

"Urghhh.....what kind of friend are you?? I'm gonna get suspended and you are laughing ",she complained massaging her forehead

"Who said you'll be suspended?",I said slightly nudging her

"You heard what she said and I'm sure it'll happen"

She faced the floor, holding her head in her hands

"Not if there is no trace of the crime",I suggested with mischief on my mind

Her head immediately shot at my direction

"Are you kidding me?",she asked in disbelief

"Do you want me to?"

"Nooo.... let's do this"

She agreed instantly, gearing up for action

After several minutes of us waiting,Vivan entered the empty class room, closing the door behind

The atmosphere was wildly tense and I expected it to be no less

He glanced at Aditi who was ready to pounce on him anytime
Her hands inched closer to his throat when he screamed out loud

"Look!!!I know we were stupid....",he stopped as she glared at him

He cleared his throat, going for the redemption

"Umm....I was stupid to get us into trouble.But we don't have time to waste fighting like this",he made peace

He goes straight for her feet

"For the first time, you've got a point.I'll spare you",she showered her mercy

"So what's the plan?",Vivan asked sitting on a table

"It's 11:45 now,we have a solid 45 minutes to clean up the traces",I said pointing at the watch

"Then what are we waiting for?",Aditi said getting up to leave

"Wait!!We need to make sure no one sees us",Vivan stopped her

It's quite a challenging task when it is today's hotspot

"Yeah....the less people know we're involved the better-",I halted as I heard a thud sound

Our shared gazes were filled with horror and confusion.We turned around to find books scattered on the ground

The Love Mazeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें