I didn't even noticed what he said on call..

"Why you came in office today if you were not feeling good?" he scold me..
But I was liking it

" Sorry.." I only said one word "wow sorry" he mocked me while pressing his lips together.. why the fuck my eyes were landing on lips again and again..

It was silence for sometime.. akward silence he broke that.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled but enough for hearing "what!" I didn't belived.

"I'm sorry for yesterday I didn't mean to hurt you" he finally said.. making eye contact I could see Guilt in his eyes.

" It's ok I'm fine you didn't hurt me"
I said with plane face

"Then why you ignored me" he whined for first time atleast first time infront of me.

Before I could say anything Someone knocked on door he again managed his cold face..
He went toward door he came with food tray in his hand..

He served the food I was really hungry but this food was healthy green and I don't like it...

"I'm not hungry" I got dangerous glare from him "what mr min?" He asked
"Nothing I'm hungry" I was about to eat by myself when he snatched spoon from my hand.

He started to feed me by his hand while By blowing on the every bite because the food was hot..

I was just looking at him his face how can be someone this much beautiful..
The way he was making pout while blowing air on food I was imaging my lips on that place..

I was too lost untill I heard "mr min!! Hello open your mouth" he was saying something spoon close to my lips.

"Huh??" I'm confused " open your mouth" I did as he said.

"I'm full" I said he.. he lean toward me that's when we made eye contact..
I stared at his eyes.. his eyes were deep like ocean telling everything without asking..

I closed my eyes I thought he will gonna kiss I felt his breath I was about to hold his tiny waist pulling him more close to me .. but then I felt he rubbed something on my lips and it was tissue.

When I opened my eyes I noticed a faint red dust on his cheeks he was looking like he understood what I thought..
'It's embarrassing goshh..'
He was avoiding eye contact..

"Jimin now I'm feeling fit and fine can I go for work? My work is still pending" I asked him even I was still feeling sick and weak.

"Mr. Min i think I should fire you " his tone was again as usual.


"Asking me why you still not feeling well and asking me can I go.. rest here till I complete my work then we will go home together don't you dare to go from here"
'how he know I'm still not feeling well?'  he literally silenced me with his scolding, this man!!

"Ok baby"

" It's sir for you I'm your boss here not your husband " he stood up he went toward his table sometimes. no one can understand him what goes in his mind..

I laid myself on Couch again my all attention was on him.. it seemed like he knew i was staring at him..
My eyes again fell on his soft plumy lips which I wanted to taste from so long ..

Jimin pov

I'm trying to work but I can feel his intense gaze on me..
The way he listened everything which I said I like it
'He is looking cute..'

'I never felt but I like it when I feed him.. I never did something like this for anyone you can call me selfish but I don't know where my selfishness when it comes to him..'

𝐂𝐄𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐟) ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt