I never been into writing and let alone forcing me to be with a group of people who love to do that won't make me like it

But there isn't any other choice

I convinced myself as I walked into the room

It was similar to the other classrooms.The room had good lighting.

The atmosphere gave me a sense of comfort

I noticed many people had a warm smile on their face at the sight of me

Honestly....it was like they were happy to see me
Or maybe I'm driving deep into my delusions

"Hey I'm Jiya,nice to have you here",a sweet girl spoke to me

I didn't react much.I was rather frozen

"I know it's tough to start again after a break.But feel comfortable.Everyone here is your friend",she said with an understanding smile

Aww....some people are really the true definition of sweetness

Unlike some rude rooster

Yup,it suits him better

I glared at him as the girl's words played again in my mind

Nah....Him and the words my friend could never be in a sentence together

After the initial introduction and small talk with the members,I decided to ask about what's bugging me the most

"Can you tell me how all of this works?",my voice would sound more like a plea at this point

"Right....most of the days it's just us working on our stuffs.Occasionally Ms.Kaur would guide us",she elaborated

"For any more queries,you can contact our club coordinator",she said pointing at him

I noticed he was standing near some of the members,engaged in some kind of serious discussion

"I'll pass on that",I said almost immediately

"No!!If in doubt, clear it!!!",she said as she pushed me to talk to him

Balance wasn't my best friend as I nearly stumbled over him

He turned around startled as I managed to stand straight

Why do my luck keep on testing me!?

"Lost again??",he asked grinning

"Noo....I was actually-I....."

"Take some time off and prepare what you wanna say"

"Wait!!!Who do you think you are???",I asked finding my voice

"Hmm....If I'm not wrong,the coordinator of this club?",he answered playfully,walking away

Who in their right mind appointed this fellow as the in charge of this place?

"Will you stop??!! I'm trying to talk to you!!!!" I yelled as I grabbed him by the shoulder,turning him around

He was surprised, pausing for a moment as he glanced at my face and then my hand

I took the cue and immediately took my hand off his shoulder

"Sorry,my bad.I'm all ears now",he put up a serious face,gesturing me to talk

I took a deep inhale, preparing myself to speak

"Since I'm new I don't have a clear view of things in here.So as the coordinator it's your fu-",I stopped myself, clearing my throat

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