Chapter 27

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Bella's P.O.V:
I had just finished my testimony, and as I stepped down from the witness stand, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I made my way back to my seat, my eyes locked on Alessandro's. He gave me a small, encouraging smile. As I sat down, I couldn't help but glance over at uncle and aunt. They sat there, stone-faced, showing no compassion for me. My heart sank. I knew they were not going to give up easily.

The judge turned to our lawyer, "You may present your evidence."

I watched him walk over to his desk and pick up a small pen drive. He held it up for the court to see. "Your honor, this drive contains an audio confession from Aldo himself as well as a conversation that went on between him and his henchman." He said handing it over to the judge.

Uncle Aldo's eyes widened in shock as he realized what was going on. He realized he had been hoaxed into confessing. His lawyer had turned to him, his expression furious. It was obvious they were arguing about the evidence. Aldo then glared at Alessandro. His eyes were full of hatred. The judge handed the flash drive over to the bailiff who plugged it into a computer and began playing the recording.

*audio starts*
"You're a clever one. You had it all figured out, bravo!" "Yes I did it. I had Bella's parents killed. They were wealthy and I wanted that wealth, so I got rid of them. And as for your brother, I also had him killed. The boy was like a bone stuck in my throat. All because I owed him some money?" "I had someone tamper with his car breaks as well. I took care of that problem. But you know the funny part in all of this?" "You.Can't.Prove.A.Thing." "I made sure there was no evidence left. You have nothing on me."
*audio stops* Next audio plays*

"I need you to get out of town, right now. There are people who are starting to ask questions, and I don't want to be caught."

"I can't just leave town. I have no place to go. My family..."

"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of everything. Just do what I say, and you'll be fine. Just get out of town as soon as possible."
*audio ends*

"Objection your honor!"The defense lawyer stood up. "This audio was obtained under false pretenses. My client could have been forced into making this confession, it could be fake, so I demand that it be excluded from evidence."

The judge looked at him, his argument clearly flimsy. Her voice was firm as she said, "Overruled. The defendant does not sound under duress in this recording. He appears to be speaking freely and without coercion. The evidence will be allowed."

Uncle lawyer sat back down, a look of defeat on his face.

The judge turned to our lawyer, her question pointed and direct. "Can you bring in the other man on this conversation?"

"Yes your honor." Our lawyer nodded. He waved to the security at the entrance, who spoke into an earpiece. Soon the doors to the court room opened and I watched as Frank was led into the courtroom and into the witness box.

I felt like I couldn't breathe as I stared at the man who had taken my parents from me.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" the bailiff asked Frank. He nodded, his face grim. "I do," he said.

Our lawyer approached him. "Please tell the court what Mr. Falcone had asked you to do," our lawyer said.

Frank took a deep breath, and then began to speak. "Sir Aldo had asked me to tamper with brakes of both his victims cars," he said, his voice low.
"He paid me handsomely for both jobs. His first victims had attended an event together when I had tampered with their brakes and the second victim had just left his home. Recently, sir Aldo had contacted me, asking me to leave town because some people were digging into the murder. I was about leaving when I was caught."

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