Chapter 15

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The driver dropped me off at the house and I made my way in. The lights to the living room and hallways were all turned off except for one.
I walked into the kitchen to see Mary pulling out a bowl of food from the microwave.

"Mary." I called out to her

She smiled warmly. "Welcome back. How did it go?"

I walked over to the island and grabbed myself a sit. "It was okay. It was a fundraiser for cancer patients and I had never been to an event like that before, but I enjoyed it."

"I'm glad you did."
"I made you dinner. I didn't know if you would be hungry after so..." she trailed off

"I did have food at the event but I don't mind having a taste of yours." I smiled. She dished out a portion of brown rice with broccoli and beef sauce on the side and handed it to me. I took a spoon full of it.

"Mhmm Mary, this tastes really nice!" I exclaimed, taking another bite. She smiled and then looked around.

"Mr. Alessandro. He didn't come back with you?"

I shook my head. "He stayed back. He'll probably be back later."
She nodded and I kept eating in silence, a comfortable silence until I recalled what Mrs. Stella had said.

"Alessandro and his brother..."

"Mary, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure dear, go ahead." She replied

"Where are Alessandro's parents?" I asked

"They both passed away a long time ago." She answered

"And his brother? Where is he? I thought you said Alessandro was an only child?" I asked again and watched her face go pale almost immediately.

She stuttered on her words. " L..look Bella..." her hands were now on mine
"It is not in my place to tell you these things. I am sure that if sir Alessandro wanted you to know about his brother then he would've told you."

Like he would ever let me in on anything about his life.
Why am I bothered though? It is not like it affects me in anyway. I just really want to feed my curiosity.

"It's fine Mary. I was just curious." I managed a smile and got back to my food. When I was done, I helped Mary with the dishes before heading upstairs. In my room, I took off my dress and placed it in a hanger in the closet before hopping in the shower. I needed to get all that concealer off of me.
After about twenty minutes in there, I dried myself and slipped into a lilac cotton nightwear, shorts and shirt, I had bought and headed for the couch.
Once I was comfortable, my mind began drifting through all the activities of today. I began dozing off slowly after a few minutes when I heard the door to the room fly open. He's back and he turned on the lights to the room.

"Bella, wake up!" He said as he stood in the middle of the room, his tone laced with anger. I sat up and then stood up from the couch, walking towards home but keeping a safe distance.

I looked at him. His eyes were red and he reeked of alcohol.

"Take off your shirt." He ordered. I felt my heartbeat begin to increase.

"W-why?" I asked, maintaining even more distance.

"I said take your shirt off Bella!" He yelled.

"B..but Alessandro I—"

"So help me if I have to repeat myself Bella, I'll take it off my self." He warned, walking closer to me.

I took slow steps backwards, away from him, and my bracket met with the wall.
It happened in a second, I felt him grab my arm and yank me into the closet where there was a mirror.

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