Chapter 3

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Aldo's POV:
I sat in my office feeling the most tension I had ever felt in years. I watched Theresa ramble on and on about how she would never let Marion get married to Alessandro.

"We have to think of something Aldo!" She said coming closer to prevent anyone from hearing her next words. "Our daughter might pay the price of what you did to his brother if he finds out. We can't let them get married."

I stood up angrily. "You think I'm not trying woman? That's the last thing I want. Handing my daughter over to that man on a platter of gold."

"Then do something Aldo, give him the money, anything."

I forced my fists into the desk. "We don't have it Resa. I told you. I was hoping on the few business men that attended the party but unfortunately, that didn't go as planned."
"I sign a cheque of two million and we're out begging on the streets. I thought I had gotten rid of this problem by eliminating Vincenzo but now he's brother is on my neck too." I added rubbing my temples in frustration as the room became eerily silent, then she spoke up.

"He will marry Bella." She stated

I stared at her in confusion. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Yes. Alessandro has never seen our daughter, and Bella, ... that girl has been a pain in our ass since her parents passed. Remember Aldo, if opportunity doesn't knock, you build a door."
"Think about it, we could kill two birds with one stone."

"And how are we to convince Bella into marriage with a man she knows nothing about?"

"Leave that to me and focus on the main course of action... letting Alessandro's one week time frame run out. We don't want to be in a rush to give him our daughters hand. It would look suspicious. We need him to believe that we had no choice." Theresa explained and when I was completely on board with the plan she left to keep her end of the bargain.

Bella's POV:
I was busy with the dishes in the kitchen when Marion walked in. She stood by the door looking at her nails like they were the most precious things in the world while I focused on my work.

"Mother wants to see you in the study." She said drawing my attention back to her.

Aunt? But she never asks to see me in the study, unless it's really important.

I quickly dried my hands and followed Marion into the study where aunt was seated with a magazine in her hands.

"You sent for me." I said standing in front of her.

"Yes I did."
"I need to tell you something important." She replied motioning for the chair before her. I took a seat but made sure not to get to comfortable. I didn't want to give her another reason to punish me.

She started.

"There's no easier way to put this so I guess I'll just say it.... You will be getting married."

I felt a prickling sensation in my ears followed by a loud ringing. It was as if I became deaf for a few seconds. Every other sound and word paled in comparison to what Aunt Theresa had just said. When it seemed like I had been quiet long enough I spoke up.

"What?" Both Marion and I said at the exact same time. It seemed like she also didn't know about this arrangement.

"Yes. He is a business partner to your uncle and a very good friend and he has asked for your hand. Your uncle and I couldn't have been more delighted."

"But I don't know him, so how does he know me?" I asked

"It doesn't matter who knows who. Your uncle and I are in support an so should you."

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