
"Relax. I'm not posting it." Bulma said

" Send it to me though " Krillin told Bulma. " I want to cherish this beautiful moment"

" Me too" 18 said

" Me three" 17 replied after her.

" I'll just send it to all of you" Bulma said bringing out her phone. In a matter of seconds, her face turns terrified. No one took notice of it.

"Uh, guys..." She began

"What's with the face Blue?" Amanda asked

" I might have sent the video to the whole school" She laughed nervously

" THE WHOLE SCHOOL??!! " Goku and Chichi yelled.

And then....

Chichi fainted.

"Chichi!" Goku caught her before she hit the floor.

There was panic in the air as the unsuccessfully tried to get Chichi to wake up.

"I'll take her to the nurse. Put her on my back" Goku said.

Tien and Amanda put her on Goku's back. He stood up about to leave.

"Let me go with you Goku-"

"No need, I'll go with her alone. She wouldn't want to be bombarded with people and questions when she wakes up.
With that he ran out of the cafeteria, holding Chichi tight. But he didn't go to the nurses office. He went to the back of the school, closed his eyes, placed two fingers on his forehead and felt the familiar feeling of instant transmission.

Opening his eyes, he walked to his bedroom and placed her softly on his bed. Giving her a soft peck on her forehead, he left to the kitchen to make her something to eat.

Goku's POV

"I hope she won't be mad at me for bringing her here. I just didn't want her to get panicked by the rush of people." I say to myself. I do that a lot. Talking to myself.

"I don't know, there's just something about her. She's so special to me. I love her with everything in me. I don't know if she feels the same way I do." I look up at the ceiling. "Kami please keep us together." I sigh.

I reduce the heat of the ramen and walk towards my room to check on her. She looks so beautiful. I see strands of her hair coming out of her now messy bun. Covering her up with a blanket so she doesn't catch a cold or something. I look her her lips. I'm so so tempted to kiss her right now but it's not right. I caress her cheek then walked out of the room and went to check on the ramen.

Chichi's POV

Ughh my head hurts so much. I don't even know what happened. I opened my eyes and shut it immediately because it's os bright and it hurts. When my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the world, I look around.

"Where am I?" I mumbled

Looking around trying to get familiar with the unfamiliar room, I notice an alarm clock on the side table reading 13:50. School ends in 15:00. Beside the alarm clock sat two frames, one facing down and one up. I pick up the one facing up and gasps

"Is this Goku's room?"

In my hand was a picture of an adorable mini Goku with a woman that looked just like him. He looks so cute and happy. I place it back where it was and picked up the other one. Low and behold, it was a picture of...... Me? Why does he have a framed picture of me? D-does he like me? I think blushing slightly and then I realized that I'm on Goku's bed. I squealed silently and smelled his pillow. I know that's creepy and weird but it smelled so much like him.

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