Part 14

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Third person POV

The walk to the lake was not quiet to say the least. Goku had a fun time listening to Chichi rant and talk and joke about.  Goku fulfilled his promised and bought Chichi ice cream.

Goku's POV

"Go on, choose any flavor you want"

"Any flavor? Chichi asks me excitedly. Its so cute. She's hopping up and down like a cute kid on Christmas

"Yeah. How many scoops do you want?"

"Can I order like an Ice cream Sunday?"

"Knock yourself out. I'll pay." I smile softly at her. She's so cute.

She squeals and orders an ice cream Sunday with like 4 different flavors. I want to order but she stops me

"Let's share this one. It's too big for me to finish".

"Sure thing."

I pay for the ice cream and we walk to a bench facing the lake.

"What flavors did you get though?" I ask curiously

"Okay. So the blue one is simple blueberry, the white one with chocolate chips is chocolate chip cookie dough ,the pink one is raspberries and strawberries and the plain white one is coconut. I have syrup on cookie dough and coconut shavings on raspberry. " she explains each flavor.

"Okay, which one should we try first?"

And we ended up trying each one by one and rating it like we're in some reaction video on YouTube.

After eating our ice cream, we just sit there. We fed some ducks that swam our way and watch the sunset. I'm not even aware of what time it is right now. All I know is that I'm having a great time with Chichi.

"Do you want to stargaze with me? The stars look pretty after the sun set." She asks


We walk a bit away from the lake to a grassy field not to far from the city. I lay down, not a single care in the world. Chichi lays down next to me. My arm automatically wraps around her as we stare at the sky. Millions of stars scatter the dark sky. Its....

"So pretty" she cuts my thought

"Yeah. So beautiful" I say, but my gaze is on her.

"It feels nice to just relax and watch the clouds. It feels so peaceful" she sighs. I don't know but I feel like I want to ask her...

"Hey Chi?"


"I know it's none of my business. But how did you get PTSD? I've been curious about it since the sleepover but I didn't want to cross a boundary that I'm not supposed to cross."

She tenses up and I panic a bit

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I'll wait for you to be ready."

She sighs

"I really don't want to talk about it right now. I feel so at peace right now." She turns to me. "I promise I'll tell you. But just not today" She puts her head on my chest and my arm wraps around her waist. She feels so small in my arms and my heart is beating uncontrollably. I bet she can hear it.

We stayed that way for a while. Just holding each other. But every good thing come to an end.

"We have to get going though. Its getting really late." She says.

"Aww. Can't we stay like thing for s little bit longer?" I whine.

"Na. I bet it's past my curfew and my dad's gonna be pissed if he's home early today. I'd rather avoid that." She says getting up. I stand up as well, dusting my clothes.

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