Part 3

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Vegeta's pov

Now I have to introduce myself. So dumb. If you want to know me, find out my name or something.

" I am known as Vegeta. It's just Vegeta, nothing more, nothing less. That's all you need to know". " Oh, for kami's sake" Kakarot said " is that all you have to say? " " Don't push me Kakarot". I walk to my seat leaving a shocked teacher.

Goku's pov

Sheesh. Vegeta is a handful sometimes. I thank the teacher and walk back to my seat. The teacher who I later found out her name, continued teaching the types of chemicals. I turn to see Vegeta sleeping on his textbook and Tien listening so eagerly. Me, I'm just hungry and impatiently waiting for lunch. I wonder what kind of food they serve here.  The bell rang as the teacher concluded. "Now before I leave, your assignment is on page 254 and it's to be submitted in our next class."

" So right now we have English, but Mr Briks is not feeling good. He's got the flu. So we have a substitute teacher today." Tien said to me and Vegeta. The substitute teacher walks in. "Okay" she began " I am your sub for today so just do whatever, I don't care". Then she started texting.

" Well, since we don't have anything doing, how about I show you my friends?"  " That'll be....." " Gokuuuuuu". I got interrupted by a hug. " Goku is this really you?" I smiled knowing who it was. " Sure is Bulma. It's been a while. You look great". She was wearing a white shirt that revealed her tummy a little, a blue jean jacket, blue ripped jeans and white sneakers. "Thanks. I knew there was only one person that has hair as crazy as yours." " Yeah, hehe"

Third person pov

Tien takes them to meet the others. ", Goku, Vegeta, this is Yamcha, 18, 17 and......"
"Krillin, how's it going, man?"
" Interrupted again" Tien wined. " Sorry bro
It's just, I've known Krillin since I was very little. Even before I met Bulma" " hey buddy, it's been a while. You look great". " Gee, thanks Krillin". "Sooooo , I'm Yamcha". " Nobody cares" Vegeta finally spoke. " Aww come on Vegeta, that wasn't nice." "Who said I was nice?" He smirked

The others continued talking and laughing but while that happened, Someone couldn't stop staring at Bulma. The prince tried his very best to take his eyes off her, but was very unsuccessful. And this didn't go unnoticed. During lunch, Vegeta was at his locker putting his books, Goku walks to Vegeta. "Hey Vegeta, how was class for you?" "Boring. I slept off through math class". "Yeah and you drooled on your textbook,hehe. Hey Vegeta, I noticed you kept staring at Bulma, is there a reason for that?" Goku asked smirking. Vegeta's face turns red " what?! No way.  I-i I wasn't staring at her. I was looking behind her. W-why would you think that?" Goku knew he was lying but decided to play along. "Okay Vegeta, let's go for lunch, I'm starving"

They went to the cafeteria and order 12 portions of food and sat down with their new friends.
"Oh God" said 17 facepalming
"Just great, more Saiyans" whispered 18
"Are you guys gonna finish that?"  Bulma asked in disbelief
They finished their food before Bulma finished her question.
"Oh wow" Bulma said "that's a lot to finish in 2 minutes
" Hahahaha, wait till it's an eating contest, they'll finish in 30 seconds" Krillin spoke up
" Wow, they sure do eat a lot" 17 said
They continue to chat and laugh and Vegeta kept staring at Bulma. This is the creation of a new squad.

Yayyyy, chapter 3 done. I know what you're all thinking. Goku says hehe a lot. Hehe😅I'm actually happy to write this book. I hope you guys like it. If you do, vote and comment. See ya in the next chapter 💋✌🏻

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