Part 1

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Third person POV

It's a bright morning. Birds chirping, the sweet smell of pine trees hits the air. And it's the end of summer.

*Ring ring ring*
"ughhhhhh" Goku groans, picks the alarm clock and throws it on the wall, smashing it. "Well I guess I need a new alarm clock, hehe"

He picks up his phone and dials a number. "Yo Vegeta, what's up?"

"Kakarot, it's 6:45am, what the hell do you want?" Vegeta groaned

"Just wanted to remind you that we have school today." Goku said in a sing song voice

"Well I don't wanna go to school"
"Come on Vegeta. We promised our parents before they died that we'll live like normal earthlings and according to my earthling friends, it's a normal thing to go to school." Goku sighed. Vegeta simply is difficult"

"Saiyans don't need school. I'm going back to bed." " But Vegeta, we have to blend in" Goku reminded

"Hmph. Whatever. See you in 15."

Goku gets up and brushes his teeth. After taking a shower, he gets dressed and makes breakfast. He lives alone so he doesn't have to worry about much. After eating his breakfast of scrambled eggs,bacon, toast and jam, he packs his bag but is interrupted by the door bell. He walks to the door and opens it seeing Vegeta.

"Took you long enough" Goku sighed "Just shut up and let's go already."


The school is kinda far, so they fly half way and walk the remaining half. They finally got to the school 15 minutes early and go to the principal's office since they are new.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

They walked into the office. Before them was a man in his mid 40s sitting on a table filled with papers.  His glasses on the bridge of his nose looking into what is supposedly the student's record

"Well, I'm guessing you are Goku and Vegeta" "Yes sir" Goku replied

" Well this" he points to the student beside them "is Tien. One of my star students. He will show you around. Tien I leave them in your care"  "yes sir." Tien replied

"I don't need a pathetic human to take care of me." Vegeta mumbles to himself

They walk out and into the empty hallway and begin their new day at high school

Sooooo, my first chapter. What do you all think? Vote and comment. Till the next chapter. Bye lovelies

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