II. Sol 18 (Part II)

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"What's she thinking?" Beck wondered. "She's a geologist. She knows IR can't get through a sandstorm. If there was a way to save them, I would've done it!"

"She's grasping," Vogel replied. "For anything."

"Commander. We're tilting 11.6 degrees," Martinez informed. "One good gust and we're tipping."

"What about the proximity radar?" Lewis asked over the radio. "Could it detect Watney and Beck's suits?"

"No way. It's made to see Hermes in orbit, not the metal in a suit."

"Copy. Give it a try."

Beck slid into his acceleration couch before saying, "Commander, I know you don't want to hear this, I don't want to say it aloud, but Watn... Mark and Darcie are dead." He blinked away his tears and let out a shaky breath as he whispered, "I love you, Darce."

"Copy. Martinez, try the radar."

"Roger," Martinez said.

As Martinez waited for the radar, he glared at Beck. "What is wrong with you?"

"My friend and wife just died," Beck retorted. "I don't want my Commander to die too."


Lewis fought her way through the storm.

Martinez said over the radio, "Negative contact on proximity radar."

"Nothing?" Lewis asked.


"It can barely see the Hab. There's not enough met-" A screach sounded and the MAV lurched and began to tip. "Strap in! We're tipping!"

"13 degrees-" Johanssen stated.

"We're past balance," Vogel said. "We'll never rock back-"

"Let it tip," Beck told them. "We can't leave her."

"We'll never be able to fix it if it tips," Martinez said. "I got one trick left, then I'm following orders."


Martinez fired a burn from the nosecone array. The thrusters fought against the slow tilt of the spacecraft.


"You are firing the OMS?" Vogel asked.

"C'mon... c'mon..." Martinez muttered.

"12.9 degrees..." Johanssen informed.

"Commander," Beck called. "You need to get back to the ship. Now."

"Agreed," Martinez said. "They're gone, Ma'am..."


Lewis stood alone in the storm.

Martinez said over the radio, "Watney and Beck are gone."

She stared out at the darkness around her.


Martinez fought the controls. Beck and Johanssen shared nervous glances.

Lewis said over the radio, "Copy. On my way."

"11.6... 11.5... holding at 11.5..." Johanssen stated.


Down below, Lewis slammed the airlock door shut. She tore off her suit and made her way to the flight cabin.

She didn't say a word as she strapped herself in to her couch.

For a moment, nobody spoke.

"Still at pilot release," Martinez informed. "Ready for launch." Lewis closed her eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry, Commander. You need to verbally-"

"Launch," Lewis stated.

Martinez nodded and activated the sequence. The pyros fired. The main engines ignited.

Beck rested his head against the back of his seat, trying to will the tears away. He could only hope Darcie would forgive him for leaving her and Mark's bodies. At least the flight home gave him time to figure out what he'd tell their son and his wife's parents. And his for that matter.


Theodore, Teddy, Sanders, Director of NASA, steeled himself before he stepped to the podium. He opened a red folder and said, "At around 4:30 a.m., central standard time, our satellites detected a storm approaching the Ares 3 mission site on Mars. By 6:45, the storm had escalated to "severe," and we had no choice but to abort the mission. Thanks to the quick action of Commander Lewis, astronauts Beck, Johanssen, Martinez and Vogel were all able to reach the Mars Ascent Vehicle and perform an emergency launch at 7:28 central time. Unfortunately, during the evacuation, Astronauts Mark Watney and Darcie Beck were struck by debris and killed. Commander Lewis and the rest of her team were able to intercept safely with the Hermes and are now heading home..." He wavered. "But Mark Watney and Darcie Beck are dead."

A cacophony of questions erupted from the press.

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