10. The Date

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Hailey's POV:

I got out of Luke's car a bit confused as to why we are at a random park in Cape Cod but my intuition was telling me that everything was going to be okay.

"So, I uh..." He paused. "I just thought we could go for a walk!" 

I looked at him with a bit of confusion

"You know this is a... kids... park right?" I said to him.

"Yes, BUT don't worry! I know a place." He said with a light laugh.

I stood there looking at him, just like I did in the car, absolutely taken aback by his beauty.

"What?" He said to me giggling

"Oh nothing" I said in an attempt to flirt. I genuinely have no idea what I am doing but before I could say anything else, he grabs my hand and we start walking together.

"Okay so, I know this looks sketchy but I promise, it is going to be so worth it." He says pointing towards a dark grass path that is covered by an overpass of trees, our hands intertwined between us. 

I give him a concerned look, I mean who wouldn't be a little nervous when you are going into the woods with a kid you just met. 

"What? Do you think I would hurt you, Hailey?" He said to me.

"I don't even know you yet, Luke." I replied. 

He looked at me a little concerned, but before I knew it, my feet begun walking with his.

Our hands still intertwined, we walked through the slightly creepy path in the woods.

"So, tell me three things about yourself Hailey." Luke said to me lightly.

"Well..." I paused thinking of what to say. "I've lived here my entire life, Frankie and Lily are my best friends, and I have never been on a date before." I replied.

"You have never been on a date before?" Luke said with a shocked tone.

"Nope." I replied a little sad.

"Hey hey, don't be upset about it. What do you think this is?" He asked.

"What do I think what... is?" I questioned.

"This?" He pointed at our interlocked hands.

"Oh..." I said lightly

"Welcome to your first date Hailey!" He said with a smile.

It was so wonderful seeing this side of Luke. Maybe Ashton was wrong about him, maybe he just never gets to see this side of him. I was loving this side of Luke. Happy, kind, very sweet. I don't know why he has such a bad reputation from Ashton. 

We continued walking and talking about life in general. We talked about how Luke has two other brothers, how I am an only child, all of my years of schooling in Cape Cod, what is was like living in America, and everything else that you would consider a get to know you type question.

After a bit I finally saw light at the end of the tunnel and within my view I saw the slightest view of flowers. I immediately got excited, grabbed Luke's hand a bit harder and started walking quicker. 

"Woah! Whats the rush for!" Luke said happily while trailing a bit behind me, our hands still locked.

"I want to get to the end of this forest!" I replied.

Finally we reached the end of the forest and it lead to this beautiful cliff walk covered in grass and many different types of flowers. It was truly one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. I didn't even know places like this existed in Cape Cod and I have lived here for my entire life. 

"Isn't it pretty up here." Luke said with a soft smile as he let go of my hand and sat on one of the visible large boulders in the ground.

The absence of his hand in my hand made me sad for a moment. I sat down next to him, still in awe of where we were.

"I didn't even know this existed, you haven't even been here a week, how did you know this place existed?" I responded in shock.

Luke chuckles under his breath and I look at him. His blonde hair glowing in the sun. He plays with his lip ring while a small smirk forms on his lips. I used this as a moment to scoot a bit closer to him. At this point, our legs were touching a bit.

He makes eye contact with me, looks down at our legs, looks back up and smiles softly. He takes my hand and continues speaking. 

"Well, my mom wasn't too excited about me leaving Australia for the summer. I just wanted to go somewhere new with the boys, you know? Try to get our music out there a bit. Out of Australia at least." After he spoke, a small frown formed on his face. "But she was mad at me, probably not used to change, but after she yelled at me over the phone once I got here, I needed to go for a walk and clear my head. And I ended up here. Figured it would be a good place to take a girl on a date, I just didn't expect that date to happen so soon." He finished his sentence softly.

I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it lightly.

"Well thank you for bringing me here. It's beautiful" I responded in a soft tone.

He paused for a moment and turned to look me in the eyes. We locked eyes for a moment and just looked at each other. I could see the small little specks in his bright blue eyes, I could see every pore, every line, on his face. He was so beautiful, so perfect. 

Before I knew it, I found myself leaning in, crashing our lips together. 

I immediately pulled away realizing what I had just done. I have never kissed anyone before, how did I just get the confidence to do that. What is wrong with me. I start to panic a bit, he can tell.

"Wow..." He responded with a shocked expression on his face. 


"I am so sorry, oh my god, I didn't mean to do that. I should've asked first. Oh my god, i'm awful. This is too soon, you probably aren't ready f-" I was interrupted by Luke placing his lips on mine. His hand makes its way up to cup my cheek softly. 

Our lips move in tandem as I enjoy what so happens to be my first kiss. I don't know if I was doing this right or even what I was doing but I was just following Luke's lead and hoping for the best.

I grab Luke's other hand with my hand and just hold it. I wish we could stay like this forever. 

I pull away from our long kiss and we end up exactly how we always do, just looking at each other. 

All I can think about is how perfect this moment is. The scenery, the person next to me. Nothing can beat this. 

All of a sudden I hear my phone buzz from my pocket. I look down, and take my phone out.

The phone reads:



Authors Note:


im lowk having so much fun writing this, its a good thing to do during my free time in school. Thanks so much, keep reading, ill keep writing. :)

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