1. First Day of Summer.

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Hailey's POV

There's something so interesting about small towns. Personally, I have lived in a small town my entire life. One of those places where rich people will visit and say "What a cute little place!" with passive aggressive undertones to their voice and people from even smaller towns will visit and say, "It's huge here!" I have the perks of the beach being close by, a good group of friends, and a nice family. What more can a naive 18 year old ask for?

 One downside of living in a small town is that you grow up with the exact same people. You watch them go from idiotic middle schoolers to high schoolers who sleep with everyone they can get a chance with. But yet here I am, 18 years old, never been in a relationship, living the life.

"Hailey!" I hear my name being screamed from outside my window. Loud banging and sharp cracking noises follow. I struggle to get out of bed. 

The first night of sleep for summer break is always the best. There was absolutely no reason for someone to be waking me up this early. After standing up the noises continued. I whipped my head around and saw small rocks being thrown at my window. Right as I approached it, I witnessed a rock go smashing through and falling on my wooden floor.

"Hailey! Wake the fuck up!" I hear the voice yell. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and carefully stepped over the now shattered glass on my floor.

"Good morning sunshine!" The voice said as I peaked my head through my now destroyed bedroom window.

"Frankie, you know you just shattered my window, right?"

"Yeah? And?" She replied, clearly not caring enough as she should.

Frankie has been my best friend since fifth grade. During recess we always used to sit on the playground and pick out which boys were going to be attractive or ugly in the future. Most of our predictions were correct. No matter how brutal it sounds, we think they deserve the humbling. Frankie has the most beautiful long black hair I've ever seen. She's fairly tall, and don't even get me started on her style. She dresses like every pop punk band member's dream, with the flannels and the black ripped skinny jeans that are almost too tight. Frankie is everything you could want in a person and I've just been lucky enough to call her my best friend.

"I'm coming up!" She shouted to me, motioning for me to drop my ladder I keep in my bedroom for this exact reason. She scales the ladder as I open my now shattered window for her entry.

"What time is it anyway?" I say as I rub my eyes sleepily and check my phone. 11:55, guess it wasn't that early after all. Frankie and I sit on my bed as she excitedly twists her hair between her fingers.

"So guess what!?" Frankie shouted with excitement

"You finally finished that god forsaken anime you were watching?" I hissed back, still waking up with the sun beaming into my eyes.

"No... and rude." She continued, "I covered Lily's 5 to 9 shift this morning to get some extra cash and the absolute cutest boy with bright red hair, kinda scrawny, kinda emo you know? The whole shebang! Anyway he came in and got coffee with his three other friends who may I say, were attractive but nowhere even close to the red headed one!" I saw exactly where this was going.

"Bright red hair hmm?" I said back. Red hair isn't something commonly found from where we are from. It's usually just boring people with boring lives. Frankie has had a few boyfriends in the past, they all look the same, none of them her type whatsoever. But whoever this red haired boy is, seems right up her alley.

"Yes! Bright red, and the cutest smile I've ever seen!"

"Well, did you get his name?" I stood up and walked over my dresser in hopes I could get a decent start to this morning.

"His name is Michael!" She positions herself laying flat down on my bed and begins screaming into my sheets while kicking her legs in the air. I watched her in disbelief as I changed into a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black cropped tank top. She composed herself and sat back up.

"Want to know the funniest thing?"

"Oh I cannot wait to hear." I say sarcastically.

"Him and his three hot friends are staying at that Airbnb rightttt..." she drags out her sentence, grabs my arm and points it to the left and straight out the window.

"Right there!" pointing me directly towards my next door neighbor's house. She usually goes away for the summer so she rents it as an Airbnb and it just so happens to be that these boys Frankie ran into at work are staying there.
"For how long?" I ask

"The whole summer! And they invited me to a party there tonight! I asked if I could bring a plus two and they said of course!" She screams with excitement

"Please don't tell me that me and Lily are the plus two." I groan.

"Ugh! Don't be such a buzzkill! Come with me pleaseeeee!" I'd be a bad friend if I didn't go right? Oh god, this is going to be an interesting summer.

She's American - lrh v afiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें