6. Sleepover

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Ashton's POV:

If there's one thing that Luke Hemmings is good at, it's being an asshole at just the right times.

When I met Frankie for the first time yesterday morning at the coffee shop she seemed so sweet and just wouldn't stop just gushing about her friends. 

At that time Mikey looked absolutely in love. Like he has never seen a girl who looked anything like Frankie. Granted, she is absolutely 100% Mikey's type so it definitely makes sense. I think they would look cute together, for sure!

Obviously I had no frame of reference of what Frankie's friends were like until Luke and Calum came home from the mall and mentioned that they met the others.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV while Mikey was in his room playing Final Fantasy X when Luke and Calum came home in a rush. Luke threw his shit on the kitchen counter quick and aggressively and Calum just kind of, stood there. Their demeanors were off and I was excited to see where this was going. 

Calum seemed absolutely frozen in shock. I have never seen him like this, like, it was wild. He was just in complete awe, now I know, in complete awe of Lily.

Luke on the other hand just seemed off.

"Yo dude, whats up with you?" I asked Luke 

"We met Frankie's other friends at the mall today and her one friend, Hailey, was totally into me." He replied while annoyingly fidgeting with his lip ring.

"Well don't you think it's hard to get a judgment on someone just by meeting them for the first time in a mall for 2 minutes?" I said back, a bit confused.

"No like trust me dude, I can read women. Don't forget, you haven't had a girlfriend since Leila two years ago, and we all saw where that went." Luke said harshly.

Leila was my first love, who left me... for Luke. I haven't thought about her much recently but for some reason Luke always decides to bring up my past relationship whenever it will benefit him, because it did. 

I haven't been with anyone since Leila. Of course there were some hook ups in between, but part of my heart will always, unfortunately, be hers. And i'm never getting that part back. To be fair, I gave up.

"I think i'm going to get with her tonight." Luke continues

"Dude you just met her, don't be so sure." I tried to talk him out of this mindset but you know, Luke Hemmings never budges.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do Irwin, how about that?" He angrily snapped back at me, then storming out of the house.

I was shocked at his reaction, then looking at Calum who was also shocked, but he also could've been in shock from Lily still.

I thought it would be best to brush that off and get ready for the party. Luke would most definitely just get absolutely obliterated and act as if none of that just happened. Because thats what always happened.

Once people finally started showing up to the party, I made sure to keep an eye out for Frankie and her two friends. I wanted to make sure I was in the general area just in case Luke did anything stupid. Not saying that he would regret it, because he wouldn't, I just don't want him breaking any hearts tonight.

He is not one for relationships. Never has been. He is all for a quick fuck, one night stand, anything of the sorts, but he was with Leila for a good year. Ever since, he has lost all sense of common decency and just decides to hook up with any girl he can get with and with his looks, the numbers are pretty high.

Long story short, I saw Frankie walk in with Mikey but the amount of people in the room made it hard to see anyone else. That was until someone bumped into me. And that someone, happened to be Miss Hailey.

I tried to remain cool and collected but it's hard when a silver screen movie moment happens to you with quite possibly one of the most beautiful girls you have ever seen. 

She immediately introduced herself, we went to the kitchen, had shots and had wonderful conversations. Talking about family, interests, anything of the sorts, but then, she got dragged away by the thought of Luke. 

Being second to Luke I guess is a common theme in my life right?

I got drunk. Not enough to forget, but just enough to turn my sober thoughts into drunk actions by telling Calum how I thought Hailey was beautiful. For some reason, I always go to Calum to rant whenever I am drunk. I don't take back anything I said, but hey, I just met her, we have a lot of learning left to do.

Going to the beach with Hailey was not how I planned to spend the rest of that night, but I absolutely loved every minute of it.

She was stressed. I could tell. I wanted her to be comfortable, that's all that mattered to me.

And of fucking course, she walked in on Luke with another girl then a bit later, he tried to get with her too. 

When she ever told me that, I was about to stand up, walk back to the house, and beat the shit out of Luke, but this was her time to rant, not mine. 

Though she opened up to me and clearly felt comfortable with me, I could tell Luke was still on her mind.

All I wanted to do in that moment was to be her outlet to talk. And I think it worked, it seemed to be what she needed.

 We walked back in complete silence, comfortable silence. I really loved spending time with Hailey. Not only was she beautiful inside and seemingly out, but she was just so easy to talk to. So wonderful. I hope I can learn more about her. I hope she can learn more about me.

Now... I did not expect to be sleeping on her floor at 3 in the morning, but there was no way I was having her walk back down the boardwalk and back to her house alone. I needed to make sure she was safe. 

Hailey's POV:

After the beach, Ashton offered to walk me home. Of course I said yes. I loved spending time with him. I can see us having such a great friendship. He was just so great to talk to and I guess he is now my lifelong confidant!

When we walked into my house, I had to make sure I didn't wake my parents. They would kill me if they knew I was out, nonetheless out this late. Ashton walked me up to my room, nearly tripping up the stairs which almost made the two of us break out into laughter. 

Once we got into my room I was about to tell him he could leave down the ladder through my newly broken window, but he seemed to look upset about something. 

"Hey are you okay?" I whispered quietly.

"Um... yeah, I just... don't want to go back. It's too loud, this party is going to be going on for a few more hours, I just want to sleep." He whispered back. 

I took off his jacket and put it on the corner of my headboard.

"You can sleep on the floor if you would like?" I asked, "You just need to be out of here before my parents wake up." 

"Deal. Thank you so much." He weakly smiled at me. I felt like there was something off. Ever since I mentioned the situations with Luke tonight, he seemed a bit defeated. I'm not sure why.

I set up a blanket and pillow on the floor for him right at the foot of my bed.

"I'm sorry I don't have a change of clothes for you I-" he cut me off

"It's okay. Please. Don't Apologize." He responds with a weak smile.

I get changed into my pajamas and get into bed quietly. There is a silence that fills the room, a gentle silence.

I break the silence, one final time for the night.

"Thank you Ashton."

"No, thank you, Hailey." 

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