3. The First Night

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Hailey's POV:

I've never been one for parties. The aroma of sweat, alcohol and lust in the air was just enough to make me throw up, every single time

Lily, Frankie and I sat in my bedroom getting ready for this party. I was putting black eyeliner on my waterline and sparkly eyeshadow on the inner corner. Just thinking about Luke put a knot in my stomach. There was something so alluring about him.

I know Frankie mentioned there were 4 of them and I met two so I can't even begin to imagine what the other two are like. 

We all got changed into our outfits that we picked out earlier that day and my mind was constantly on Luke. Why do I care so much about the opinion of someone I just met? I mean sure he was beautiful but I met him for like two seconds? 

"You have been awfully quiet." Frankie says to me with a monotone look on her face

"Yeah, I think im just nervous." I said back lying through my teeth, and I know both Frankie and Lily knew I was lying. 

"Oh you LIAR!" Lily yelled from across the room. "We ALL saw how you were looking at Luke at the mall. It's literally love at first sight! Hailey is in l-o-v-e!!!" 

"Oh shut up, I am not." I said back to Lily with a stern tone in my voice. Her smile faded as she slowly started to look regretful for saying what she said.

"So you are just not going to talk to him? Thats it?" Lily responded

"I never said that" I said back.

"Lily, don't pry. Don't worry Hailey, you don't have to be in love with Luke, but I mean, whats wrong with a little summer fling?" Frankie butted into the conversation.

I rolled my eyes and stood up to look at myself in the mirror. I really liked my outfit and I think deep down I hope Luke likes it as well. God im pathetic, I just met this kid. 

I walked over to my bed and looked out the shattered window to the house where the Australian boys were staying and there were a handful of cars parked outside of the house. No sound leaked outside of the house either, which was impressive. Bright lights shot out of the house. 

The three of us walked down the stairs quietly in hopes to not wake my parents and we walked out the door. 

We approached the door and as I went to grab the doorknob, the door was immediately pulled away from me and opened by a boy with bright artificially dyed red hair. So thats who Frankie was talking about. 100% her type. 

"Hello beautiful lady, and friends!" The red haired boy said directly to Frankie while only making eye contact with her. This boy wanted her soooooo bad. 

"Oh Michael shut up you don't even know me" Frankie said as she pushed past me to get closer to the boy who I now knew for a fact was Michael. 

"I'm Hailey, this is Lily." I introduced myself to him in the doorframe before we entered the crowded, loud house.

"Nice to meet you two!" Michael said with the biggest, cutest smile. If this worked out for Frankie, i'd be so happy. He's such a cutie. "I am Michael, but you can call me Mikey!" 

Lily and I followed Michael and Frankie into the sea of people. The music was headache inducing. Before I could even blink, Lily and I lost Mikey and Frankie into the crowd and Calum just so happened to appear in front of us at the exact same time.

"Uh.. hey Lily!" Calum yelled over the music with a smile. He looked less nervous, less intimidated by her. He was very clearly into her but I genuinely don't think Lily has any idea. 

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