An Average Day...

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I get up at around 7:58, so I can be at my work at 8. I know, I know, but my job and my house are on the same property, so it takes me literally a few seconds to get there. My 'work' is training, taking care of, and working with horses. I do it pretty much all day every day, and I love it! I mean, who wouldn't want to pal around with horses all day they're way easier to deal with than people😂 Most of our training sessions happen in the arena, but I love to take my horses on trailrides whenever I get the chance. It was a gorgeous day out, so I decided to take one of the ponies on one of the longer trails, which is about an hour and a haft long. If I trust the horse, then I always ride them bareback its just something I've done since I was little. The trail I chose for today takes you along a road for a while. It's normally a really quiet backroad type thing, but I did notice there was a blacked out car that was kinda creepy. Oh well, I thought I'm just making up bad scenarios in my head. Turns out the bad scenario I was imagining in my head needed to be listened to.... A guy got out of the car and walked up to me all nice and friendly like. I stayed put thinking he needed directions, maybe. Well, that wasn't the case. He grabbed my horse's reins and took hold of me before I could even blink. I tried fighting back, and I did a little damage, but not enough he had me in his car and was driving away with minimal effort.

Turns out I wasn't the only one they picked up. There were two other girls there, and they looked just as frightened as me, maybe even more so. We drove, and we drove, and we drove until we needed gas, then we drove some more. 41 hours of traveling and being locked in a car with strangers was RUFF, but we finally reached our destination...

They took us into what looked like just a regular office building. We were sat down and told to simply answer the questionnaire/test. The test was rather easy, but it was like 50 miles long. One of the girls did not want to answer the questions. She also didn't want to sit where they told us to. Unfortunately for her, instead of forcing her to sit like I thought they would. They drug her into a different room. I didn't know what happened in there, but what I did know was she didn't like it. She came out a couple of minutes later in tears, sat in her chair, and went right to work. That scene was enough for me to focus and try pretty dang hard on my test. One thing for sure was I did not want to be drug into that room.

    * Typical questions*
Name? Gender? What color were my eyes, hair, skin, all things like that

* A few more test questions *
Favorite color? What's your hobby? What job would you love? Favorite food?

Most of the questions were like that. Easy, right? Then there were some like this...

      *Different test questions*
On a scale of 1 through 10, how stubborn are you? Do you admit when you're wrong? Do you respect your elders? On a scale of 1 through 10, how sassy are you? Do you call people Sir and Mam, or do you get irritated when asked to do so? When your told to accomplish something is your first instinct to obey or fight? Do you like conflict? How submissive do you think you are?

Those questions confused me, but I tried to answer the best I could.

After about an hour, everyone had finished and was very curiously waiting to see what would happen next.

We were taken into a huge room with a bunch of other people around the same age as us. There were probably 200 girls and guys crammed into this large room.

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