Oct. 12th: Cooking Together - Djatie Special Pt. 2

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anotha one of these guys because yeah. like i said in the other diatie, this is more of a platonic thing rather then them being together.

this is a part 2 to the first djatie special i did so go read that first

It was the next morning and Katie woke up on the couch. Her and Dj had spent the night watching movies and having a fun day for themselves. She looked down to see the friendship bracelet still on her wrist.

As she looked around the living room, Dj was no where to be found. Katie grabbed her phone and laid back down, still waking up. About 10 minutes later, Dj walked out from his room. "Gooddd morning Katie! How did you sleep?"

Katie sat up and yawned, rubbing her eyes. "I slept great! I forgot how comfy our couch is."

Dj laughed, pouring him and Katie a glass of water. He brought both glasses over to the couch and sat down, handing Katie hers. "Me too, I slept like an angel."

"When did you wake up?" Katie asked setting down her glass of water.

"About 30 minutes ago? I took a shower and cleaned up a little bit."

"Aww thanks for cleaning up! I'll help you finish up, but first, I'm starving."

"I have an idea! How about I show you one of mama's secret recipes?"

Katie's face lit up with excitement. "Pleaseee show me how to make the pancakes, I don't understand how you make them so perfect every time!"

"You got it!" Dj got up and went to the pantry, Katie following behind him. Dj pulled out flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter, vanilla, milk, and a bottle of something that Katie had never really seen before.

"What's that?" she said pointing to the bottle.

"This is mama's special mixture. You'll see what it is eventually." Dj winked at her, setting aside the small bottle and began to explain the directions.

"So first you're going to put 1 1/2 cups of flour into the bowl, followed by 1 tablespoons of sugar and 3 pinches of salt." While Katie was mixing all the dry ingredients, Dj pulled out another smaller bowl for the wet ingredients.

Katie finished mixing the dry ingredients and put her hands on her hips,"Alright! What's next?"

"Next you're going to pour 1 1/4 cup of milk into the bowl and then 3 tablespoons of melted butter. Last you're going to add one egg and mix that all together!"

Katie did as she was told and mixed all the ingredients together.

"Perfect! Now make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients. Then you're going to add your wet ingredients in the center and fold the dry mixture over the wet until it's smooth." Dj watched as Katie mixed the ingredients all together.

It eventually formed into a smooth even texture. Dj got the pan and turned it on the low setting. "So, to make the perfect pancake takes patience. Watch and learn." Dj took the pancake batter and set it next to the pan. He then grabbed the ladle and filled it about half way and slowly poured it over the pan, keeping his hand still.

He waited until it stopped dripping from the ladle before putting it back into the bowl. He then took the bottle from earlier and sprinkled some of it over the uncooked batter. Once the edges turned a perfect brown, he swiftly but gently slid the spatula under the pancake.

He flipped it over and showed a smooth and perfect pancake. "Anddd that's how it's done. Now you try!" Dj put his pancake on a plate and handed Katie the bowl.

Katie carefully poured the batter onto the pan but moved her hand a little bit which caused the pancake to look more like an egg. "Whoops," she said putting the ladle back into the bowl. She then took the bottle of.. whatever.. and sprinkled some around the uncooked batter.

She waited about a minute or so until the edges were brown. They looked a little darker than when Dj did his. Katie tried to gently but swiftly get the pancake onto the spatula. It took her 3 tries before she got it on and flipped it over.

As expected, the top was a little more well done but there were only two small air pockets. She put her hands on her hips standing proud. "Hey, for not making pancakes often, this didn't turn out too bad."

"Nope! It's actually really good!"

Katie put the pancake onto her plate and topped it with fruit and whipped cream. She joined Dj at the table and ate. There was a hint of burntness but not enough for Katie to make Dj make her one.

After eating, they both washed their plates. Katie looked around the living room and really started to see the mess they left for themselves last night.

Dj appeared next to Katie, following her eyes around the room. Dj sighed turning to Katie, "Well, let's get this over with."

Katie slouched her shoulders and groaned, "Yeah yeah."
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i also didn't proof read this so have fun catching mistakes

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