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Sarah was my enemy, since we were both 22, we handled this frenemies thing pretty mature. For the most part anyways.

I had a competition in 4 months, The World Championships. That's a hard subject to talk about for me. I had been waiting for that competition since I was 5. It was very important to me. But besides that, I was just putting my skates on. As usual, tying my sparkly white laces on my skates.

Then I heard a voice, and I was quick to identity it.

"Well hello there, queen of the ice." Sarah said,
for top 3 on the charts, she had fire in her eyes. She ice skates as well. I kind of just stared at her, I mean what do you do when your number 1 opponent is right in front of you. Judging, staring.

"Hello, fire eyes." I didn't think I had even a hint of emotion in my eyes, but when I looked up from tying my skates, she just looked me up and down. She was obviously annoyed. I was quick to walk away. This was a competition, I had 3 including this one before The World Championships. I plan on winning this one. But I might not. I've only lost 2 times in my life. Only when I was 5. I was a slacker.


꧁Flash back꧂


I was crying, papa I had just beat me with a his belt, I had a bruise on my arm. That was slowly spreading farther up.

"You piece of shit! Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? For SARAH WESTPORT TO WIN? Rarity, I wish I had never had you! Your a disgrace and a mistake!" My papa yelled at me, through my locked door. My mother left that afternoon, drunk.

I was cuddled up in a ball, with a blanket over my short body. I had my favorite stuffed animal by my side. I called her snowflake. She was a white bear with a crown, a wand and a sparkly dress. My Uncle Chase got her for me, before he moved to Florida.

My father had nearly busted down the door. I was trying to imagine I wasn't it that situation, but there I was. My name meant something, it meant rare.


I thought I was special, since my name meant it. My full name was Rarity Diamond Dé Lunà. I was named that because of my nearly white hair and sparkly blue eyes.

I was simply just skating, I didn't fail bad. I had only got second place, but that was good enough to set my dad on fire with rage. I hated that. He was probably on cocaine or something.

At last he had broke in the door.

"No! Papa I'm sorry! I won't do it again! I won't ever lose! I promise!"


I didn't wanna think about what happened next, I got my skates on. And skated out to the rink.

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