chapter 20

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Farha couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. Her eyes are lying to her. She couldn't say a word , she didn't even acknowledge her uncle who was sitting there quietly with his face resting on his palm. While Fatima was just leaning on the wall with tears that threatened to fall.

Farha couldn't bring herself to believe what she was seeing. The first she new was her mother and brother going to pick up her dad from the airport, the next thing she knew was her mother, father , and brother laying unconscious on the hospital bed with oxygen masks on their faces.

Farha's feet were not able to carry her anymore, she suddenly fell on her knees while sobbing silently.
"I wish I didn't allow them to go out" . Farha says in a whisper as her head hang low and her hands covered her face and she continues to cry. 

Fatima immediately rushed to Farha to console her. "Don't blame yourself for what you know nothing about"

"I knew..... I knew something bad would happen" Farha says in between her sobbing

"It still isn't your fault, they will be alright very soon okay?" Fatima says as she hugs Farha, while uncle Ibrahim just sat on a chair next to his brother's bed as he closed his eyes and the tears that were threatening to fall finally fell and he immediately wiped them off so that the girls won't see him cry. He remained silent and prayed internally for his brother and his wife and nephew to get well soon.

Seeing that Farha would not calm down anytime soon, Fatima decided to take her back home because staying here would only make her condition worse. So Fatima explains to uncle Ibrahim that she has to take Farha home to take her away from here if not, she might go crazy. They said goodbye to uncle Ibrahim and left the hospital.

They got home by 9:30pm, Farha didn't say anything and just went inside. She opens the door and stood there, the house is quiet, almost lifeless. Tears started rolling down from her eyes again but didn't say a word to Fatima who stood silently behind her and just went to her room. Fatima watched Farha's retreating back but didn't say anything to her because she doesn't think her words would make Farha feel any better so she just let her be.

Farha couldn't even eat anything which got Fatima worried, even though she tried to convince her to eat she still refused so she just let her be.

That night, Farha slept alone in the room she shared with Fatima. Farha wanted to be alone for the night and Fatima understood so she slept in the guest room.

Later that night Farha opened her eyes and found herself in front of a door. The door doesn't have a knob, it has drawing of flame engraved on the door. She had the urge to push the door open, she was curious to know what's on the other side. She was about to push the door open but she started hearing a voice, "wake up" the voice says, it sounded like Fatima.  "Wake up" she heard again then her eyes snapped open and she saw Fatima beside her looking worried.

"What happened?" Farha asked when she saw how worried Fatima looked. "Your body was scorching hot"
"What?" Farha says as she sat up.

"It was like you were boiling" Fatima tries to explain

"I don't understand"

"Where you having a nightmare?"

"Not really, I was just about to open a wired door but you woke me up" Farha explained.

'maybe she's just developing fever due to the recent happenings'  Fatima thought. "Okay then, I'll prepare to leave for the hospital now to check up on mum, dad and Muhammad".

"I'll come with you "

"Only if u promise not to break down again"

"I'll try" Farha says almost in a whisper.

"Alright, take your bath, break fast is at the dining table, finish up before 10:00 cuz that's when I want to leave" Fatima says as she stood up to leave the room.

"Okay" Farha says and she immediately stood up to go take her bath. Immediately she finished taking breakfast, they left the house for the hospital.

When they got to the hospital, uncle Ibrahim was already there and they greeted. "Good morning uncle Ibrahim" Fatima first greeted.

"Good morning uncle" Farha greets.

"How are you both doing, hope you slept well"

"We are fine" Fatima says as she and Farha sat on the two seats next to uncle Ibrahim. 

Fatima and uncle Ibrahim excused themselves from the room to discuss about what the doctor told uncle Ibrahim concerning her family's health, leaving Farha alone in the room.

Farha was quiet she was staring at her family on the sick bed, her heart ached but she couldn't do anything.

She stands up and walked quietly to  Muhammad's bed and sat beside the bed and called his name "Muhammad" in a whisper.

"I wish I could do something right now. I'm not ready to lose anyone" she says as she tried to hold back the tears in her eyes.
Suddenly, she remembers when she once injured herself mistakingly with a knife in their kitchen at home and it healed almost immediately.

"Can I heal them? But how?" She doesn't know what to do. So she discarded that thought. Then she used ther hands to pet Muhammad's head gently and looked as her parents laying on their sick beds. "I wish you all could get well soon, I miss you all" she says with teas in her eyes. she hates the fact that she's very emotional but she can't help it.

"Please wake up mom, wake up and scold me for crying too much. Dad, please wake up and get me ice cream. Muhammad, I miss you too".

"Wake up" she says in a whisper as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

suddenly, Muhammad sneezes, getting Farha out of her thoughts.
"Muhammad" Farha says almost in a whisper with wide eyes, she was surprised.

Muhammad slowly opens his eyes but didn't say anything for a few seconds while maintaining eye contact with Farha. He removed the oxygen mask on his face by himself "Farha?" He says weakly.

"Yes it's me" Farha says with a smile  with eyes full of tears.

"Where am I ?" Muhammad asked looking confused.

"You are in a hos_" Farha didn't get to finish her words because, just then, she saw her mother's eyes fluttered open. " Mom!" Farha couldn't believe her eyes.
Before Farha could say anything further, her dad opening his eyes. Then he removed the oxygen mask from his face, then the mom did the same. And they all sat up simultaneously looking so healthy but confused as if they weren't the ones laying unconscious before. She had to blink her eyes twice to make sure it wasn't her imagination.

"Fatima! Uncle Ibrahim!" Farha called Fatima and her uncle to come see what she was seeing.

. Hello 👋 hope you enjoy reading because more is coming up.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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