Chapter 19

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Farha sat down in the parlour, eagerly waiting for her parents to come back home.

"Stop worrying too much, they'll soon come back home. Mom and dad are not kids you know". Fatima said when she came in and found Farha sitting alone on the cushion with her chin resting on her palm. Looking like a worried mother.

"Don't tell me that, it has been five hours since mother and Muhammad left, and they are still it back and her line is not reachable." Farha said looking worried.

"Just calm down"
"Don't tell me to calm down!" Farha snapped. "I know what I'm feeling, something bad most have happened".
Fatima sighs as she came to sit beside Farha and give her a hug patting her back. She knows how caring Farha is, but for her to speak like, this makes Fatima scared that something might have indeed happened.

As Fatima tries to console Farha, Fatima's phone rang, she checks and it was their uncle.
"Good evening uncle Ibrahim" uncle Ibrahim is their fathers younger brother. Fatima greets her uncle on phone as she continues to console Farha who was now laying her head on Fatima's thigh.

" What!!!?" Fatima screams while on phone call, making Farha snap out of her thoughts and sits upright.

"What happened?" Farha says in a whisper but she didn't get an answer.

"Which hospital?" Fatima says which made Farha who was calming down to become more worried.

"We will be there in some twenty minutes". Fatima then ends the phone call.

"What happened? Why were you sounding like that?" Farha is more worried now.

"Farha I need you to calm down first, okay?"

"I can't Calm down, just tell me what's happening? Are mum and dad okay? And is Muhammad okay?" Fatima didn't say anything. "Speak to me " Farha is now panicking.

"If u don't calm down I won't tell you" Fatima says to make Farha Calm down.

Farha took two quick breath to calm down. " I've calmed down".
"Are you sure?'

"Alright. Mom, dad, and Muhammad had an accident on their way coming back. Uncle Ibrahim just called now and told me they were taken to the general hospital, and they are currently in a critical condition. So I'm going to the hospital now". Fatima says as she stood to get the car key in their mom's room. Fatima went to driving school after she graduated from secondry school so she can drive now.

Farha felt restless and started crying because of the news she got from her sister. "I told you something must have happened to them but you didn't listen"

" Well I'm going to the hospital now. Are you coming with me or not?"

"I will be going with you "

"Then go and change, I'm living now"  Fatima leaves the palour to go get her Vail and car keys. Then Farha went and changed into a pink Abaya. Few minutes later, they left for the hospital after locking the house .

Farha and Fatima just arrived at the hospital and found uncle Ibrahim pacing to and fro in the hospital corridor looking restless.

"Uncle Ibrahim!!" Farha ran towards where her uncle was.

"Good evening uncle, where are mom, dad and Muhammad?" Fatima asked Ibrahim calmly.

Uncle Ibrahim tried to feign a calm expression upon seeing his niece.

"Well, they are in a critical condition right now and the doctors are currently operating on them, so I haven't gotten any feedback from the doctors yet" Ibrahim answered calmly.

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