Chapter 1 "The delivery of god"

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A dead body, Hanging 3 ft over the ground,into the air swaying side to side, the body belonged to a young child, He was around 7? His dark black hair shone through the cracks of sunlight  in this fairly abandoned building. In the background, Graffiti was layered over the walls, And a black silhouette glanced over at his "Masterpeice". A small chuckle in the background.

The man's hair was pitch black, Much like the child that was now hanging before him. The anonymous man lit a cigarette and recalled what had just happen, His face showed happiness yet his actions resorted to a terrible act, All the normal for Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Fyodor had just been taking a scroll to vent his anger, His previous lover "Nikolai" A "monster" like him, Had escaped once again. He had seen the child sobbing near the building tightly gripping onto a light brown stuffed bear. He used this opportunity to showcase his amazing godlike convincing skills to the child. Fyodor had convinced the child to kill himself. Of course the child was a victim, But of what?

Fyodor left the heart perfectly intact. He did it for fun, Just for his own amusement, To let out his anger, Meanwhile on nikolais end he had to go incognito yet again, Fyodor was insanely close to finding him, He didn't fear his ex lover, But for the fun of it he escaped. At the current moment, He was in a old forest where ice covered the tree tops, Carefully scanning the snow walking slowly.

He stopped at once, And started laughing maniacally, He had once again killed people, This time, A young couple in the ages of 16-19? He gorged there eyes out individually and mutilated there legs, Before he cut the heart out of the couple, His ginormous white wings emerged from the shadow, But soon they stained in red blood.

Nikolai was overjoyed at his actions, So he started laughing even when it was over, He had killed Them In another spot in the woods and now was escaping the scene, He happily walked further and further, Completely ignoring the beautiful flowers in the near distance, Eventually he stopped when the land became more dense and soft.

In the distance he saw a little child, Around the age of 10? He wanted to approach the child to "help him" but he realized there was a third party with them, He quickly hid behind a wall and observed the man he was hiding from pressure the child into hanging themselves, He watched in amusement, At the same time he was frozen in place, Suddenly fyodor lit a cigarette and displayed a proud expression, Was he discovered? Will he be discovered?

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